May 10, 2006 07:31
Please let the rain stop this weekend! Although, it would be a great and realistic way to introduce Boston to my brothers, I would rather them see the blue skies and sunshine. I'm in Boxford already, got here at around 6:40am. When I woke up I had the strangest burst of energy probably because I thought I was late, but now I'm feeling sleepy.
In other news, it's senior week, but tonight will be the official kickoff at the 'Emerson' bars. Tam, Intermission, of course Sweetwater. Tomorrow night is the boat cruise! Since tomorrow is my only day off I plan on cleaning and packing in the morning and then I get to have an afternoon of relaxation, yay! Graduation and London are both sooooooo soon! Less than a week!!!! I haven't been home much this week so it feels like it's flying by. I've spent some quality time with Gillian, music class, Barnes & Noble, playing with her dollhouse, Ernie, etc. Today I may even venture to Lawrence to some inside play area, Imajine That. And now I'm rambling and it's only 7:40am...I think I need to go have my first cup of coffee!