Update on me

Feb 20, 2007 10:40

Well, this has been a crappy year thus far. I have a herniated disk in my neck which is pressing on the nerve that runs along the spinal cord. This obviously is causing severe pain and also causing numbness and pain down my arms and in my hands and my legs. I have also had mono and I am so behind at school I will need another year to get caught up!

Now that I'm done whining...the girls are doing great. Liz is in her first year of high school and decided not to play basketball and concentrate on her studies instead. She did really well the first grading period but has not been handing in her homework this grading period. The ebb and flow of her ADD amazes me but it is winter and she isn't getting as much exercise as she usually does so with more energy she is more easily distracted. However, he dad and I have never let her use her ADD as an excuse and are not going to start now. She is not allowed to hold or attend any sleepovers until her grades get back up. She is the sleepover queen so this is going to kill her (well not really) but she really doesn't like it. If she makes up the homework she will have all B's!

Kimmy of course is her perky, cheerful self. She is doing great in school - all A's and one B. She is alsoin the 97th percentile nationally on her Iowa's again this year! She did cheerleading again this year and is thinking about going back to dance lessons. She is my girly girl. I lucked out having both a tomboy and a girl that loves dresses and shopping. I have the best of both worlds:).
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