
Aug 03, 2005 22:09

Oh wow. Michael Buble just completely rocks my face off. Yay him.

Yesterday, Lindsay and I went over to Kari's to work on wedding prep. We thought we were going to get a lot done, but that didn't exactly turn out. Well, that's not fair to us - we did get a lot done, we just didn't realize how MUCH there was to do. The first objective was to put tiny rhinestone crystals on white candles. Well I figured out the best way to get them to stick, so Kari put me in charge of that. 18 crystals per candle. It's a very specific process. First, mark out the pattern with a pencil. Then, light another candle and use the melted wax as glue to stick the crystal on, then shove the crystal into the wax. 18 times. Per candle. I only got 15 done. After...hours of work. :D Seriously, it's a lot harder than it sounds. And I've got 34 left to do. We went to the wedding site (Grey Stone Manor) to take measurements. Guys, it's a flippin beautiful place. It's totally exciting. So we took measurements of tables, rooms, archways...everything you can measure, pretty much. Then we went back to her house and Lindsay ironed fabric for Kari to sew while I finished up the batch of candles. Oh yes, and the entire time we were stuffing our faces with cokes, honey roasted peanuts, and reduced fat Wheat Thins. We didn't feel too good about ourselves. :( Kari gave me the huge box of invitations to do, too. I'm addressing them, which I really don't mind, but I'm nervous about messing them up. Eee! Wish me luck.


This morning my dad and I took my car to Carmax to get my radio put back in because they had fixed it. So now I'm not driving around with a huge hole in my car. I like that. I like have music again in my life. :) So we came home while they installed it, and my daddy and I ate at Chick-fil-a for breakfast. I kind of hung around the house all day until we went to pick up my car, and then I went to church. The Clardys are on a camping trip, so Jeff did the Bible study. It was still good, he and Nathan just have different teaching styles. Personally, I enjoy Nathan's more. Jeff's is more interactive, but we don't really interact that much, or it's just off-topic, random comments, and it makes the lesson drag on. I mean we still learn a lot, it's just a more roundabout way of getting to the lesson. I didn't stay for Refuge, though. I was worn out.

Molly called me tonight! We FINALLY talked. She seems really nice. And she's doing elementary ed too. We are taking all but 2 of the same classes, but not at the same time. Which is pretty much perfect. This way we can help each other with the work, but we're not seeing each other all day. Because...that would be a bit too much. We're already roomies. Okay, now I am definitely looking forward to this year! :D

Tomorrow is lunch with Alyssa and Kirk at Las Palapas. YAY for seeing the puppy (after sooo long!) and taking Kirk to a new place! :D
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