Yay for sleepovers

Jul 31, 2005 22:47

On Friday night, Vanessa, Leslie and I spent the night at Ashley's house. It was SO MUCH fun. Ashley and I rented videos: Secret Window, Dirty Rotten Scoundrels (I picked it because I've been listening to the soundtrack to the musical based on this movie a lot recently) and The Madness of King George (Yeah...Ashley picked this...she thought it would be funny...it just looked really dumb...). ANYWAY, we made this HUGE bowl of queso and between the four of us we just about finished it. Mmm! And Vanessa and I drank the cancer-inducing Diet Coke. Yum! We watched Secret Window and scared ourselves a lot. I thought it was actually pretty good. We played Girl Talk, too! Hahah. Ashley went to bed, so the rest of us watched Dirty Rotten Scoundrels. SO funny! "Why is the cork on the fork?" Hahaha, awesome movie. Then Leslie fell asleep and Vanessa and I stayed up talking and messing around until 7 in the flippin morning. We slept until about ten, and all of us woke up about the same time. We went to Shipley's for donuts and then watched The Madness of King George. Oh my goodness. As Ashley's mom put it, "I want my two and a half hours back!" Yeah, that was not a comedy. (It's okay though, Ash, I know you didn't know what it was about.) Anyway, after that we all went home for a few hours, then went to church. Since Nathan wasn't here today, we did our Sunday night thing yesterday. It was okay, I like the Wednesday night Bible studies better because Nathan actually talks, the out of the book stuff is just not very accessible. At Refuge, Ashley and I played Power Rangers on the Super Nintendo. AWESOME! That is SO our game from now on! But then I came home, tried to start watching Dirty Rotten Scoundrels again, but CRASHED at like...9.

So this morning, I woke up late, tired, and feeling sick so I didn't go to church. I made breakfast for my mom and me (biscuits and scrambled eggs with sausage gravy, mmm! nice and unhealthy) and we watched Return to Me. Then we went shopping, trying to get some back to school clothes for me, but at the end of the day ended up with two pairs of jeans for her and lipgloss for me. I actually really like this lipgloss, though, I've been looking for a good kind that I like for a while. Then, I met Noah and Kat at Mekong Gardens at 6 for dinner. I miss those kids! It was really good, kind of pricey, but fun hanging out with them. Then we went to Target and just ran around for a while. I really wanted to buy this bright green purse (on sale for $7) but then decided I shouldn't spend my money. :/

I love my family. I'm going to miss my mom a lot.

NICK KANOZIK called me today while I was at Sketchers! It was the best thing ever! Oh wow...I've missed that kid so terribly much these past four years, I can't believe he's actually in Texas again! I cannot wait to go visit him! He sounds so different, I forgot that we've actually grown up since 8th grade! Haha, that sounds dumb, but it's true! I still just imagined him as the same guy. I wonder if he thinks I'm any different. Anyway, I want to go visit him sometime before school starts, maybe just for the day...anyone else want to come?
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