❖ p h o t o g r a p h y _ m e m e
- ask me to take a picture of something and I will take it and share it with you. It can be [practically] anything. A room, a window, something yellow, inside the desk drawer... anything. You can be as vague or as specific as you want. Be creative.
- Keep in mind that I have the right to reject any requests I might not feel comfortable doing
- What I will not do: Pictures of myself-- I'm not feeling photogenic. Pictures of my friends or family. I'm going to respect their privacy. And no, I will not get on my hands and knees and crawl under my deck or up the attic for you. My parents' and brother's rooms are off limits. As well as my parents bathroom/closet but you really don't want to see that, do you?
- What I will do: Anything else really. Like, seriously. Inside the fridge, under the bed, a room, the house, my street, my car keys... Anything in or around my house.
- You can request as many pictures as you want
- I'm going to be uploading the pictures in bulk instead of one at a time. :>
And for anyone else who might be interested in doing this?
❖ p h o t o g r a p h y _ m e m e
ask me to take a picture of something and I will take it and share it with you. It can be [practically] anything. A room, a window, something yellow, inside the desk drawer... anything. You can be as vague or as specific as you want. Be creative.
# Keep in mind that I have the right to reject any requests I might not feel comfortable doing
# What I will not do: list anything you do NOT want to do. Anything that might be off limits.
# What I will do: list anything you want to do.
# You can request place the max number of requests you are willing to take from one person here.