(no subject)

Feb 10, 2008 07:02

It's 7 in the morning. I want to die.

I woke up around 5 from coughing/sore throat. I haven't been able to get back to sleep since, because I feel like absolute shit and now the cats are running around my room wreaking havoc. And once I was up I started to think about all the shit I have to get done today/this week which is proving to be insanely overwhelming. Not only do I have a shit load of schoolwork but the house is a total mess and I have errands to run but I feel like absolute shit and I just want to stay in bed all day. And now that I have a job my week is going to be twice as packed and ten times as stressful.

Last night was alright. This weekend was kind of a bust.

I really need to quit smoking for good. Only smoking socially does not mean I have successfully stopped. I'm jealous of Candace, she's done a much better job than I. Congrats girl, I'm jealous of your willpower.

I'm going to go find something to put me to sleep before the sun comes up and it's really too late.
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