Nov 22, 2010 21:40

I don't ever post on you as much as I say I will, do I? ♥ SO LET'S MOVE ON THEN AND STUFF.


10. Saw the new Harry Potter movie.

I was fairly impressed, not only at the fact that it took one of the worst books of the series and turned it into at least the second-best (save only the third), if not best, of the films; but also at its innate ability to reaffirm my long-waning interest in Harry Potter. Seriously, I haven't given two shits about the franchise since I half-finished Book 7, but after seeing its cinemadaption I was a little obsessed. You know how I get when I'm obsessed. The animation bit was FABULOUS, by the way, that part with the three brothers. It was like Tim Burton if I didn't get so easily annoyed at Tim Burton. Oh my. There were some parts that seemed... um, gratuituous, as rexdart  has mentioned, but all in all I'd give it an easy 7.5 out of 10, which considering my prospective scores for the preceding two films is like getting 4,000 and 50,000 on your first and second wish of Robot Unicorn Attack, respectively. idk. I liked.

9. Had my «Gakugeekai» recital, speech and performance at my Japanese school.

Shit was fun. Considering I went to Japan this summer, it's not like I should ever be afraid of speaking Japanese again, let alone at a school for non-native speakers where it's practically prerequisite to screw something up, but I dunno, something about the fact that some of the people in the audience were so ridiculously important was intimdating. My sensee and the head of our school are both just waiting on me getting my application for Kyoto Seika in so that they can sign off on how I am as a student. The guy who invented Sudoku was visting. That just ain't fair. But all things considered, it went pretty well - I've been told my Japanese has improved tremendously, but even more so the confidence with which I speak it, which is impoooortant I guess. I didn't slip up or forget any lines, got my points across, and had fun singing the corny eighties song that our whole class was onstage to do near the end. And the Japanese kids' performances we got to watch afterwards were astounding. Which reminds me, oh yeah, Japan, I went, I should post some pictures, yeah.

8. Discovered the joyous and inattentiveness-inducing nature of using Tumblr and Twitter.

I don't think I even need to go into detail on this one. The links are on my profile. I'm just ridiculous with those lovelies. I only wish I could be as verbatim with my thoughts here as I am there.

7. Speaking of Tumblr and Twitter, got into this whole lovely Social Networking Fandom thing.

They're amazing. I'm also amazing for finally catching on to a fad as it was happening, since I started using my Tumblr just around the same time as the end of the epic /anon/ vs Tumblr battle. And lemme tell you, not only are those two totally my het OTP (with the maybe-exception of Newt/Anathema, Good Omens) because really they're just hot together, I'm also shipping Twitter/LJ like my live depends on it, so yeah, LJ, you're lesbian for an obnoxious digital brat who's infinitely more popular than you are, just accept it now. Oh yeah, and Google/Youtube is love. I mean he bought him. What more does a fandom need? And they're all so cute and guhh just lovable. It's one of those instances where you know you're going over-the-top in making everyone pretty and animu and oh yeah personifying everything but you can't help it because it's just working so well. La, I love this fandom.

6. Watched "Black Rock Shooter."

So considering the fact that it makes negative sense whatsoever, I... actually kind of liked it. The two main characters were beyond adorable together. Black Rock Shooter herself was beyond hot, and the plot - what little of it there was - was actually kind of sad. It's like looking at a picture you know is trying way too hard to evoke emotions and you call it out for that, but it's evoking emotions nonetheless. Did I mention that Black Rock Shooter herself was beyond hot? I want somebody other than me to ship her and Miku because yanno it just makes that amount of sense. Considering the next item on my list is my report card, oh I needed something like BRS to keep me alive during the dark, dark ages. And I mean that in the most dramatic way possible.

It was an interesting month, though, this November. I don't know how much I liked it. I mean I wouldn't want to say things'll get better from here and jinx myself - which in Japanese is called "Happy Ice Cream," did you know? Jinx, I mean - but I would very much like to believe that things'll get better from here.

turning japanese, tumblr, fandom, twittar, please tax stupid too, wilson-worthy analysis, i actually sort of like drawing

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