Q's family is still in rabid denial about the whole OMG HE'S A QUEER thing, so I am persona no grata as a general rule, only lifted when they spew Bible verses at him about his life of sin (oh that we were that exciting!).
And yes, we've had bad luck with both his car and my truck, but hopefully soon they will settle down and BEHAVE. :)
Filipino Catholics don't change that easily, I'm afraid. I've been working on my folks for 20+ years, and eventually they came around. He's been working on his for about 7 or 8, plus he was actually engaged to a girl at one point, so, you know, he can change back again, right? :(
This gets me so upset when I hear this,It's not like he just came out yesterday. If my family didn't accept me I would have a hard time accepting them. Sorry to sound harsh but this religious "gays are bad" stuff pisses me off.
Our X-mas tree is still up. It didn't get done till a few days before X-mas so I wanted to keep it a while. I guess I should take it down this weekend.
He's taking his own stand - he's trying not to cut his niece and nephews out of his life, but he's also standing up for himself against his parents. They had planned to come visit for Christmas a couple of years ago - as long as I went away for the week. Q said no, so they didn't come, and that was that. I was proud of him for that, even though I know it wasn't what he wanted to do. Poor boo. :(
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Q's family is still in rabid denial about the whole OMG HE'S A QUEER thing, so I am persona no grata as a general rule, only lifted when they spew Bible verses at him about his life of sin (oh that we were that exciting!).
And yes, we've had bad luck with both his car and my truck, but hopefully soon they will settle down and BEHAVE. :)
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Our X-mas tree is still up. It didn't get done till a few days before X-mas so I wanted to keep it a while. I guess I should take it down this weekend.
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