May 30, 2014 00:42
I am convinced that one day sociologists and historians will look back and determine that Sandra Fluke's congressional testimony, the irresponsible, horrible reactions to it (i.e., Rush Limbaugh), and the pro-woman backlash to those reactions was all a turning point in the United States in the conversation about sexual violence, harassment, male privilege and misogyny. Lately, and perhaps for the first time, the voices that are calling out this reprehensible behavior for what it is have, from my observations, begun to drown out those whose attitudes towards women seem to be stuck in the 1950's (or earlier).
I hope this trend continues. I hope women continue to call out inequality and unfairness for themselves. I hope more and more men join in the conversation and see how they perpetuate the problem, even when they don't intend to. I hope the next generation continues working towards shedding our outdated society shackles. I hope eventually women and men are treated truly equally.
liberal rubbish,
deep thoughts,