Narnia recs (and bonus HP)

Aug 03, 2016 21:11

Four recs from last year's excellent narniaexchange (and a bonus Harry Potter)...
Narnian Chronicles

Clipsie the Mariner, by Transposable Element
'He was very stubborn and wouldn't listen if anybody told him to look on the bright side, so Clipsie didn't tell him that she much preferred boing-boing-boing to toddle-toddle-toddle. It was a lot faster and a lot more fun.' A manifesto for the DufflepudsMonopods, that gives a voice to one of Lewis's many names

From the grove of cypress and yellow rose, by Redsnake05
'Tumnus was brought forth at midsummer, from under a tangle of yellow roses nestled in the bend of a small, sweet stream. His father was scratched and his arms ran with blood from a multitude of little cuts as he drew Tumnus out of the undergrowth and into the world.' A fascinating origin story for Tumnus, which does a good job of melding high & cosy Narnia

I'll Squeeze You a Cup Full of Diamond Juice, by Edonohana
'"I caught a single glimpse of the land at the heart of the world, all heat and color, and it captured my soul. Perhaps it would have killed me if I had tried to descend into the land of flame. But I think it would have been worth it."' An adorable account of how Rilian returns to Bism, with descriptions that make one want to follow him. The ending is perfect

Oathkeeper, by WingedFlight
'Aravis had heard of Edmund Wandbreaker before - everyone in Calormen had heard the stories. This was the boy who, upon witnessing the death of his brother at the hands of the White Witch, had shattered her wand and escaped into the winter wilds with naught but his life.' A clever, vivid AU in which another witch takes the place of Jadis. Unrelentingly dark, but wholly believable

Harry Potter

The Blue Flower, by Tree and Leaf
'Power harnessed in exactly the right way; steam forced through pistons and driving inert matter swiftly on; passion used with entire precision. That was what magic should be, and what it so rarely was.' An interesting historical casefic, which develops an excellent voice for Phineas Nigellus, the detective. The origin story for one of the most interesting magical objects in the HP-verse is a bonus

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narnia, hp, rec, rarelit

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