Fannish update

Sep 12, 2015 00:10

fic_corner stories are live! I was lucky enough to receive two gifts...

PerfidiousFate wrote me A Three-Body Problem, a really interesting Power of Three (Diana Wynne Jones) story about Hathil, the myths of all three peoples, and what to do when your life no longer focuses on bloody revenge.

Luzula recorded a brilliant audio version of Edo no Hana's lovely Earthsea story, Thistledown. Worth a listen just for the gorgeous way she pronounces Kurremkarmerruk!

I wrote Three Adventures Belladonna Took Never Went On. It's about Gandalf & Belladonna, and the perils of being friends with a wizard. It's my first attempt at The Hobbit pastiche, which is harder than it looks.

It's also Stub September at Fanlore, and so of course I've been starting new articles instead of improving old ones, encouraged by Marcus Rowland doing prodigiously good work on the neglected Buffy articles. So far, a couple of entries in my drive to document female characters, Joyce Summers & ‎Illyria, plus brief stabs, at among others, post-NFA ‎& what I call 'pastiche' (the sort of fusion where characters dance to the tune of another canon). Interested to know what other people call the last.

I've also been participating in Morbane's challenge to comment on stories in the run up to Yuletide. I've set myself a target of commenting on 50 stories using 25 different prompts; so far I'm on about 33, and I'm finding it extremely hard work. I've been trying to leave more kudos over the past months, but actually writing even a brief, largely content-free 'thank you' comment feels a great deal harder. I don't know how people write long eloquent comments; it usually takes me months with a story I really like to articulate what it is I like. So, if you receive a lame comment from me in the next few weeks, blame Morbane!

Crossposted from Dreamwidth (with
replies). Reply wherever you prefer

audiofic, fanlore, tolkien, diana wynne jones, earthsea, fanfiction

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