Surprise: some stuff that isn't anything to do with the M word

Jul 08, 2004 06:20

The fruits of a recent reading spree...

A couple of offerings from the 'When the Clock Strikes' BtVS Challenge...

Just Full of Gifts, by Karen

'I can give you a gift that you cannot refuse.' A thoughtful vignette that addresses a question that occurred to me as well after watching 'Chosen'.

While the Women Came and Went, by Mosca

I've no idea how authentic the portrayal of Afghanistan is, but I love it that someone remembered Buffy's war wasn't the only one going on at the time

I've been meaning to recommend this DS9 fic for a while...

Quark's Day, by Selena

Lovely subtle character interaction piece, that highlights just how the war has changed the denizens of DS9. Also features a cute cameo courtesy of a crossover, but I won't spoil the surprise by revealing the fandom

Which reminded me, I've been meaning to rec this B7/DS9 crossover (Wholesale, by Una McCormack) for a much longer while...

And I uncovered this clever vignette series while browsing Selena's page...

Five Things Which Never Happened, by Selena

Five different AUs focusing on the relationship between Kira & Dukat, each one a completely believable story in its own right, with some delicious sideturns from canon. One of the most interesting responses to the 'Five Things...' meme I can recall, in any fandom. Simply wonderful!

I've been meaning to recommend some more DS9 fic by Mosca for ages, too, so here are two character vignettes, both set post-S7. I really wish she'd write something long, but these are lovely...

Incarnations, by Mosca

'Time passes differently in the Great Link than it does in the humanoid realm, so I could not say how long I'd spent there. I only knew that it was time I left.' Strays a little off the beaten track, but Mosca's firm grasp of characterisation sweeps the reader along

A Treatise on the Principles of Relativity, by Mosca

'This is me, traveling faster than light.' Another excellent character vignette from Mosca's pen: she's encapsulated that strange feeling familiar to anyone who's ever travelled long distance beautifully here

And I discovered recently that the Buffy writer Nostalgia had morphed into a DS9 writer while I wasn't looking...

Symbiosis, by Nostalgia

'We are, we were, we will be.' Thoughtful and rather unusual Dax piece

What Ails You, An Apple a Day & Medicinal Purposes by Nostalgia (series linked from here)

Another post-S7 fic... Well written, with an excellent characterisation for Garak -- I wish Nostalgia would write him more often, she's very good at it! Pity the biology rivals Trek itself in suckitudinousness. (I think the first two are stronger than the third)

Also, several stories written for the DS9 ficathon at ds9agogo are worth a try; I particularly enjoyed Mosca's 'The War Report', Yahtzee's 'The Long Haul' (who knew that Yahtzee wrote DS9?!) & Miggy's 'Marketing'.

And finally, I promised someone, though I can't recall who, I'd look out this Narnian darkfic ...

The Traitor, the Witch, and the Lovers by Katie Vieceli (Adult)

A dark & twisted AU for the Narnia series that would have CS Lewis turning in his grave. Not for the faint at heart

children's literature, star trek: ds9, rec, crossover, blake's 7, buffy

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