HP recs, & bonus Star Trek

May 12, 2015 01:20

From Rarewomen & the final (sniff) round of the HP Beholder's, among other places.

Harry Potter

An extract from 'The Witch’s Guide to Pregnancy, Birth, and Baby Care', by Alarica Rosier. Chapter Nine: What if my Baby is a Squib?, by Nineveh uk
'The birth of a defective child is always a matter of great sadness, and it is only natural to wonder if you might have done anything to prevent it, but you must not reproach yourself. You have not caused this fault in your child by drinking farpleweed for morning sickness, by apparating soon after conception, or through excessive exposure to Electricity.' Nineveh deftly captures the true darkness of the Potterverse in this parody

A Gramarye of Folk Magic, by Delphi
'In what would prove to be the final days of the war, Aberforth's brother entrusted to his keeping a hide-bound book, a stoppered silver phial the size of a finger bone, and a 21-year-old boy of uncertain provenance.' Delicate & insightful joint character study, picked out in vivid details as it slowly unwinds through the seasons. Aberforth's unshowy style of magic is a treat

No Charity, by Fluffyllama
'From a beetle viewpoint, the walls and fences surrounding the Dursley property looked even more formidable. The barbed wire was new, as were the 'No Wizards' signs tacked beneath the list of all the other potential visitors and miscreants Marjorie had no truck with, but neither presented her with much of a problem as far as gaining access was concerned.' Fluffyllama uses sharp details to humanise two of the least-likable women of canon, Rita Skeeter & Marge Dursley. Memorable & thought-provoking

slaughter-dew, by Andromeda311
'If he does it right - twenty-five steps from the door of the Great Hall to his seat, right in front of the window, closest to the wall; room for fifteen people between his and the end of the table either way; his plate arranged into a perfect pentagon, because fives are safe numbers - if he does it right, then the images don't come.' An unusual take on Peter's long slide into betrayal, via an obsessive-compulsive disorder that never quite manages to justify his actions

Star Trek: TNG

Quantum Entanglement, by Killer Quean
'But being a child with Ro, even for just a day, had shown her something else: sometimes, despite her insistence to the contrary, she likes to remember the past. She holds onto the memory of small pleasures she was able to eke out of nothing.' An unusual tripartite story that uses repetition to explore Guinan's alien perception of the universe. The final piece is particularly strong

Crossposted from Dreamwidth (with
replies). Reply wherever you prefer

hp, rec, star trek: tng

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