Recs: Women in sf

Jan 19, 2014 01:09

Mainly Star Trek, despite the icon (I must get a DS9 icon starring a woman!). I wish I could subtitle it Women Boldly Going, but mostly it's Women Bravely Being Screwed. Several deal with Women Whom Canon Forgot and there are some dark parts of canon here...

Doctor Who

Experimental Science, by Corona
'Donna pushes the phone under her chin, talking into the mouth piece with both hands full and it's a bit fiddly but it's not like she isn't used to all that plastic and metal and shiny parts. She's barely concentrating because Melanie's telling her about how woman past a certain age shouldn't wear hot pants and tights without expecting to be mercilessly ribbed for all eternity.' Corona captures Donna's voice perfectly in this bittersweet but ultimately optimistic take on her fate. I wish this were canon

Star Trek: Deep Space 9

In Due Season, by Beatrice Otter
'She sighs in relief as she slips the tightest of the shackles of linear time that have bound her, however imperfectly.' Sarah Sisko's story was never fully explored in canon, and hasn't inspired as much fanfiction as it should. This vignette takes an appropriately non-linear look at the Prophet's side of the story. The author's What You Know gives an important viewpoint that was never voiced on the show

Lead, Kindly Light, by Tree and Leaf
'Horran's prophecies reminded them that the Prophets could be sought and found in the ordinary and every day, in spring wine shared with a friend, in sowing seeds and bringing in the harvest, in birth and in death.' A thoughtful short which explores Bajoran beliefs, as Opaka ponders her fate

Which reminded me of Deborah's Opaka story, which had mysteriously escaped being recommended...
Two Worlds, by Deborah Judge
'She remained in that cave for two weeks, this strange cave that glittered of glass and metal. It had been a spaceship, an ancient spaceship from before science was lost on this world.' An unusual possibility for how Opaka might have been selected Kai. Deborah is adept at stretching canon until it almost snaps to let fresh air blow around familiar situations

Strongest Star, by Sophia Gratia
'"You'll have us all dragged in front of HUAC and jailed for this, Kay, you know that," he'd growled, but there had been warmth in his voice and he hadn't hesitated even one moment to sit himself down and start typing. She'd wanted to kiss him, for that.' Moving 'Far Beyond the Stars' sequel that can be read as a meditation on the power of fanfiction. (Crossover with various Trek)

Star Trek: The Next Generation

The Queen of Air and Darkness, by Raspberryhunter
'The woman said, gesturing at the tiny specks below, "Are they not beautiful? Is the complexity of this life not wonderful?"' Pieces that depict Deanna as alien are all too rare, and here Raspberryhunter weaves in strands of her character most writers forget. The fascinating speculation about Guinan is a bonus

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star trek: ds9, rec, star trek: tng, doctor who

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