Further Adventures in Audioland

May 01, 2012 00:26

In the six weeks of
amplificathon, I managed to record audiofics on all of 5 days... My excuse is that I decided Mr EA's Skype set was too noisy to use for anything longer than a ficlet, but it took me well over a month to get hold of a proper microphone. I still haven't worked out how to use it properly...

I've recorded a few more of my shorter Earthsea stories, and one Dalemark vignette. Plus,
ellen_fremedon kindly gave me permission to mangle record the amazing story she gave me for Yuletide some years ago, The Veins of the Forest. The total haul is

The End is Where We Start From - mp3 (6.6 MB; 7 min 02s)

The Daughters of Karekh - mp3 (5.4 MB; 5 min 44s)
Elemental - mp3 (3.6 MB; 3 min 58s)
A Handful of Dust - mp3 (2.0 MB; 2 min 12s) (crossover with Harry Potter)*
Of Thistles and Fir Cones - mp3 (9.1 MB; 9 min 43s)
On Boxes - mp3 (1.1 MB; 1 min 12s) (crossover with Doctor Who)*
On the Long Memory of Dragons - mp3 (1.0 MB; 1 min 06s) (crossover with The Hobbit)*
The Veins of the Forest, by
ellen_fremedon - mp3 (21.5 MB; 23 min 28s)*

I'm running out of short dialogue-light stories of my own that I can bear to reread, and could do with some incentive to keep trying now that the Amplificathon's over, so if you've got a suitable story that you'd like me to record, drop me a comment. I have no acting skills whatsoever, so I'm sticking to literary fandoms for now -- or original stories, I suppose?

*Using new microphone

Crossposted from Dreamwidth (with
replies). Reply wherever you prefer

audiofic, crossover, diana wynne jones, earthsea

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