Jun 08, 2011 23:12
It was a perfectly normal day, and nothing particularly interesting happened. The closest thing to a troubling thought on Arthur's mind was whether he was going to thaw something for dinner or just order a pizza. He chuckled as he realized that, if he did choose to re-heat something, it would in all likely-hood just be cold pizza. Laughing, Arthur stood up to go stick a slice or two in the microwave, only to decide that he wasn't particularly hungry anyway and perhaps there was an amusing video on the internet of a cat or someone falling down that he hadn't seen yet. The logic was, of course, that if someone had to watch those videos, it might as well be him. In his experience, there were always videos that fell into the category of being unseen by him, and he was completely alright with that situation. It was that very fact that helped him stay awake throughout his rather droll nine-to-five cubicle job. Arthur had nothing against his job, and actually rather enjoyed it. It allowed him to watch videos and play games and put in a minimal amount of effort, and in exchange he continued to make enough money to continue his exciting life of deciding whether to re-heat pizza or order some fresh.
Arthur was not a particularly social individual. He kept a small amount of office acquaintances, and had a mate or two he'd meet at the pub on occasion. Nothing much more than that, and that was just the way Arthur liked his life. Plenty of time for himself, to spend meandering aimlessly about the endlessness of the internet, or perusing whatever happened to be on television at the time. It was this very same solitude that led to Arthur's surprise at the doorbell. It had been so long since he last heard it that, at first, Arthur kept his seat and pondered what in the world that strange noise could be.