Dec 08, 2007 09:38
Gosh, I better dust off my LJ because it's been awhile! Thought I'd post and update on the month-long events that I have missed posting about here. I will try to keep it short and sweet....
November events were mainly school-related, and the big event there would be working on Term 1 Report Cards for my kiddies. We just finished up Parent/Teacher interviews and I'm happy to say that I survived my *first* one ever (all by myself!). I also found out I don't have any freaky parents, which is a very good thing!!
I am still working on contract at the school, teaching Grade One into June. So at least I get a full year with my own class. After that, who knows? At this point, I really don't care! Hehehe!
December is busy (for everyone, I know!). We have two weeks left of school before the Christmas holidays so I've been trying to decorate my room and do Christmas activities with the kids, but alas, the decorating part is just not happening and this is really annoying because for crying out loud, I have 2 weeks left before Christmas and my classroom is not frickin' decorated!!! Argh!!! Must. Get. Done. This. Week. Lots of assemblies coming up, my kids are going to sing together with another Grade One class, so it should be fun.
Christmas shopping? Haven't gotten an iota of it done. I'm hoping to get it all done this coming Friday, which I took as a day off.
Supernatural: I am *jonesing* for a new one!!! I know with the WGA strike they have to spread out the episodes that they have already filmed, but I really need my Dean Fix!!! It's supposed to be the Christmas episode airing this coming Thursday, and then probably nothing new until January.... *wails* Guess I'll just have to watch my S2 SPN DVDs...
Hope everyone is well. Enjoy the bustle of the holiday season!