halfway finished with finals

May 16, 2008 20:27

I'm done with my European art history final and my genealogy project. Just African art and Arabic finals on Tuesday and Wednesday and I'll be done with my undergraduate career. I said once I reached a lull in my studying, I would update on events that have transpired the past couple weeks.

1-Rachel #2's Party- It makes me happy that I'm friends with all of K.C.'s friends and that they invite me to their parties. I met Greg and Bear out in D.C. after a day in VA with Mona. Bear was driving so he didn't drink and complained about how that meant he couldn't have any fun. We weren't allowed to play bp because it would "mess up their floor," so K.C. and I complained. To get around that rule, we had a girls v. boys flip cup tournament instead. I also got to go up on the roof of their apt, which is always fun. There was such a beautiful view of D.C. and the National Cathedral. I really like that area around American.

2-National's Game- Greg's aunt or something gets free tickets to random things and he gave Bear and I tickets to a Nats game. We took the metro in and found our seats, club level mind you. We went in the like air-conditioned part and we both said how we didn't feel like we belonged there. It was fun though. I'd much rather be at a baseball game than watching one on tv.

3-Senior Pub Crawl- A couple of Tuesdays ago was the Senior Bar Crawl. I met Laura and Adam at Bentley's where we received our bracelets for free entry into Cornerstone and Santa Fe. Got a couple drinks at Bentleys, saw random people that are graduating, headed to C-stone and got bored with that, so we went to Fe a little earlier than we were supposed to. Fe was HOPPIN though. Playing awesome music and EVERYONE was there. Good times.

4-Cinco de Mayo- Happened to fall on a Monday night, but that didn't stop me. Laura and I went to Fe with Jason and Ryan. Sipped on margaritas all night long. Apparently the same night there was a foam party at Thirsty Turtle that Bear went to. I kinda wanted to go there, since I've never experienced an actual foam party, but I got the 4-1-1 from Greg the next day and I wasn't too upset about missing it.

5-Israel's 60th at Thirsty Turtle- Wednesday was the 60th Anniversary of Israel and the Jewish group on campus rented out Thirsty Turtle for the night. I knew I was going to see every Jew I know at UMD. Laura and I met up with Jenn, Hira, and Jenn's friend Caitlin from home. Got pretty drunk off cheap rails and danced the night away. Jenn got really drunk and it was funny. I totally understand why she doesn't drink a lot now. Apparently, I made Laura go home with this guy Johnnie and pushed her away when she wanted to come with me and said I was going with Caitlin. Totally felt bad about that the next day haha. Saw Alex at the bus stop and basically molested him. I blame the alcohol. Saw him, Kent, Eric, and Adrienne the next night at karaoke too, actually.

6-Laura A.'s Graduation Partay- Friday night Laura had a graduation party at her house, which I'd never been to. Alec checked off our hands to prove we paid for drinks. It was so funny the way he was muscling everyone into paying. Enjoyed some cake which I found out later on was made with diet coke. You add a diet coke to the cake mix instead of everything else? I've never heard of that, but whatevs. Drank a LOT of the watermelon jungle juice. Laura and I discovered the bulldog puppies they were hiding upstairs and had a field day with them. Also played some bp against Frank, my new favorite person in the world. I also had to avoid this guy, I forget his name, who had his friend tell me that he wanted to meet me earlier in the night. Too bad when I was flirting with Frank, said guy kept trying to talk to me and I just wanted to flick him away like an annoying bug. Told this random guy where Laura and I lived on the way out saying he should stop by...not really meaning it. Too bad like 10 minutes after we got back, I hear this knock on the door and in my pajamas answer it. I look at him incredulously and he's like oh I thought you guys were still going to be partying. No sir, no. Go home.

7-K.C.'s impromptu bp tournament- This past Saturday was Christina's grad party and an impromptu "gathering" at K.C.'s. Nothing really epic happened. Bear and Greg got pretty drunk and I wasn't at all. Bear kept saying how we'd have to stay at K.C.'s since he couldn't drive us home, and I was unhappy about that. But he eventually let me drive home. We went to McDonald's before we left with K.C. This drunk guy kept hitting on me at the counter and asked me if K.C. was my boyfriend. I mouthed to Greg to help me and he just laughed. Then on the drive home, I almost went through a red light since in D.C. they are on the side of the road. Stupid right? Incredibly so. Everyone freaked out, but I was much more wary after that haha.

8-National Archives- And finally, my day of fulfillment. I trekked out to the Archives in D.C. one day last week for research for my genealogy project and had the best time ever. Of course I had no idea what I was doing when I got there. Of course the hottest guy ever asked if he could help me. Of course it was like his second day or something, so he had no idea what he was doing either. Once I got someone who actually knew what they were doing, however, it was magic. Looking up Census records and finding relatives that were born almost 200 years ago is amazing. I was having the best time. The staff basically had to kick me out when they closed at 5.

Graduation countdown: 7 days!!!
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