Search engines are an absalute clusterfuck.

Mar 20, 2009 23:32

Seriously, you can't search up anything anymore without some bastardized website showing up in the results.

I went to try and find super saver plane tickets but in just one single page of results, virtually everything was fake. Half the sites are just jacked up with "flight" and "tickets" randomly scattered all over the place (obvious scam site) or some random site that doesn't even have the correct features to begin with (I'm looking for a flight, not a f**king hotel and transport damn it!)

Even porn has turned in to a soured trash-hole of crap. There are so many websites that want your credit card to view their contents which more then 50% of the time they take your credit card or email address and begin spamming the absolute fucking shit out of you! Now that really pisses me off.

The net... just isn't what to used to be anymore. Even the maker of WWW (World Wide Web) got "phished" a short while back all because of the fucking idiots who want to scam, litter and trash the net with slut-bots and credit-fraud websites.

I so want to go back in the past and begin shotting the idiots who developed spam, virus's, trojans, spyware and malware... god damn fucking n00bs.
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