Title: Made of Sterner Stuff.
Pairing: Sanada/Yagyuu.
Rating/Contains/Word count: Pg-13/567
Disclaimer: I do not own, nor do I make profit from Prince of Tennis
Summary: In which Sanada is loud in the morning.
Notes: Please let me know your thoughts/constructive crit/comments.
Made of Sterner Stuff. )
Sanada the Alarm Breaker. I like it. I can see how Yagyuu would be annoyed that they would have to keep replacing them too.
I had been wondering who was going to be doing the chasing.
<3 Character Building. Sanada's so stern lol. Yagyuu's stern too. I love stern men damn it.
Linen and Lace
And now Niou the Fail!Cook haha. I didn't see that coming lol, but he's so sweet for trying. Marui's so polite :D
I love how Yagyuu knew all along... and how into the apron he was XD Yagyuu's way of speaking so enticing - I love it.
Working Lunch
Oshitari was leaning against the door... LUCKY DOOR!
"and the constant undertone of sexual energy." Mmmm... Oshitari.
Unff. I love their sexy bickering.
(Side note: The canoe is suddenly hilarious to me 'cause Alex and I were thinking about dressing up like Fukubuchou and canoeing across Lake Michigan to see each other)
Awww, Yanagi sleeping in the shade of the tree. I picture him doing this a lot. <3
And if he upended it, I would have ROFL'd. But it made more sense that he didn't.
"knowing full well how soft and pliant Yukimura's mouth could be. " Oooo buddy buddy. ;)
Yagyuu! *gasp* The Beer Smuggler?! Silly boy.
And now we know what underwear Yukimura wears! But we don't know what Sanada wears... I WANT TO KNOW!
"Water clung to Yukimura's nose and eyelashes, droplets on his mouth."
Love the description.
Q: "We were nowhere near the campsite when that happened." I'm not sure what he is referring to.
After Closing
I love Yanagi the Bartender. There's just something perfect about it.
"He put the glass down, ice clinking, fingers trailing through the droplets of condensation on the outside." Okay, it's official, I like descriptions of things having to do with water.
OMGTHEWALLOMG. Mmm... and they were kissing and more. Talk about some heated passion there.
One word guttural responses are so Sanada.
"Sanada glared at Yanagi, not bothering to dignify that statement with a response. " XDDDDDD
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