May 19, 2007 01:25
"if you don't feel strong desires for the manifestation of the glory of God, it is not because you have drunk deeply and are satisfied - it is because you have nibbled so long at the table of the world. your soul is stuffed with small things, and there is no room for the great. God did not create you for this. there is an appetite for God. and it can be awakened. "
-john piper
my day always consists of checking my facebook multiple times. i love to look at my friends' photos and see what they're up to and gosh i love those messages i get that brighten my day. at school it was just another way to procrastinate and no big deal. i've been home for about a week and i realized it was a big deal. it wasn't just a way that i procrastinate, it's an addiction. a little time now and a little time later, a few minutes here and there that add up to a "i have to check my facebook" mentality. oh and of course my livejournal. i just love to update it for the 2.3 people that actually read it on a regular basis, basically for my own enjoyment. but needless to say, so much of my life is spent looking at other peoples' lives that i forget to live my own. it didn't bother me at all until i read piper's quote that i wrote above. to think that my "nibbling away" at my time through these things could actually make me so stuffed that there's no room for God to work made me want to throw up. good job, heather. way to go.
i always think that me and God, we must be doing alright - we're content. it's all good. no, i'm just too full on everything else. and that's gonna change. this is it. august is the EARLIEST i can ever get on this thing again. i'm not always a big fan of stopping things cold, but i really don't know how else i can do it right now. if i'm ready in august to be responsible with my time that's cool, otherwise no.
i'll be at student life camp for the summer, which most people probably think will be easy for me to just not get online. just the opposite - i'm responsible for updating the computer all summer and will have a laptop for my own personal use, so really any free time i have, it's gonna be a challenge to stay away from those sites that i'm addicted to, but i know that God is going to show me something great, something that will not make it a challenge anymore.
all this to say, no more livejournal no more facebook. keep up with me by talking to me. or emailing me. or writing me.
i love you and i can't tell you how excited i am to see God move these next few months!!!! :-)