
Sep 18, 2007 19:48

Ah, after a few tries, I've managed to write what I hope will be decent drabbles for all of the requests. ^_^ I hope you enjoy them.

Nagato-san visits the MultiFandom Library

The doors of the Library open and a gush of wind pushes in, filling the hermetically closed room with air. There's no reaction in Nagato Yuki as she walks in, the doors closing immediately after her. She walks on, unimpressed by the size of the room, which seems to go on forever, shelves with books creating distinguishible paths.

She follows one of them, carefully choosing the direction in which she wants to go. There is no doubt in her steps, no questioning on whether she wants to go right or left. In almost no time, she has found what she was looking for. Stretching, she pulls out a book, "The Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya" written on its back.

Without even sitting down, she starts to read.

Delirium rescues Lilian from Bob

"You will not get away with this, Bob!"

But Delirium's complaint seemed to be futile against Bob the Trout, who simply laughed from his giant fishbowl, where he kept Lilian the Fish captive. "Don't say stupid things. There is nothing you can do to beat me!"

He, however, had no idea of the plan that was boiling in Delirium's head. She suddenly jumped over his head, drowning a plastic cup in the water and rescuing Lilian in the process.

"You can't do this!" Bob screamed, raging on from his fishbowl but being unable to do anything more.

Delirium simply stuck out his tongue at him as she ran, Lilian carefully placed in a more resistant bowl. She turned to her with a smile on her face. "Now, you and me are going on a date".

Asahina Mikuru's moe adventures

Asahina Mikuru, the maid from the future, was now facing her new dangerous threat: an evil talking cat-looking alien, who had come to Earth looking for a bride. Unfortunately for our heroine, she was the one chosen by this awful creature!

But Asahina Mikuru was not one to give up! When the evil foe finally faced her, she gave it all she had: she sent a Mikuru Beam his way, but he was too strong and too infatuated to care or to be affected. Starting to feel scared, she ran away, but the cat-looking alien followed her, convinced of his victory.

It was then when she decided to use her wit! Taking a detour, she ran all the way to a river, her enemy completely unaware of her plans. She stood right in front of it, looking rather helpless, giving the alien a perfect opening. He jumped, but that was just what she had expected! With a quick movement, she got out of the way, her attacker falling into the water and not coming out.

And that is how Asahina Mikuru's new moe adventure ended.

Snakes on a Plane

The snake carefully made it's way below the seats of the plane towards a pair of legs. It wasn't the first of its kind to be let free on this trip, as several of it's sisters were already quite familiar with the plane, but it was the first one to set its eyes on a victim, ready to jump and eat for the first time in a long time.

It got closer, unhinging its mouth and placing it right behind the owners bare legs. It could already feel the taste, so close, so close...

It took Envy almost no time to sense the snake next to his leg, and it took him even less to crush the skull with a quick stomp to the floor. Shaking the blood of his foot, he glanced at Kyon, who was standing on his seat much like the rest of the passengers, desperately trying to avoid the reptiles. "I told you teletransportation would have been easier than this".

Kyon simply stared back, trying hard not to lose balance. "Just kill them!"

With a smile, Envy complied.
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