Lately the travelling Esperantomobilo team has been going through some changes and now we're even more international than ever before even including new members from Canada, Dominican Republic and Ukraine. Please welcome Rafael, Kayleen and Olga to the team
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Just a note about the reasons why I dropped out from the project (though I was a coordinator for the Russian part of the team). Well, the thing is that in January I've got a "job of my dream" (no, not starring in porno movies, but working as a coordinator of web-projects in the oldest and most famous Internet-agency of Russia). It happened after four months of having niether job nor money, and I was very desperate about my life. As a few of you know, I left Greenpeace (which was my childhood dream come true - a work I really loved, was deeply committed to, and so happy doing it!) when my private life had gone FUBAR. Too bad it was so deeply intertwined with my work at Greenpeace, so I had to make the most difficult choice: what am I going to save - my work or my sanity. I had chosen the later.
And as it was impossible to leave my new work for 6 months or even longer, the necessity for another difficult choice has appeared: adventure in Esperantomobilo in North America or building my professional career and a life with my new partner in Moscow (while preparing for emigration to some better place on Earth). I'd chosen the later.
Hopefully now you understand my reasons. By the way, me and Chuck are great friends, he's staying at my home in Moscow RIGHT NOW and will stay here till the end of March. I'm so happy and proud he's here now! ;-)
A note to Kricxjo: man, when Esperanto will become NEUTRAL (hopefully NEVER!) I quit. People like you, who care only about "neutrality" (for some reasons I fail to comprehend), have managed all the crises in Esperanto-community, including such a poor state of UEA and TEJO lately. Esperanto was NEVER meant to be NEUTRAL, Zamenhof itseld had put an IDEA of international peace, justice and intercultural friendship into the language.
Hopefully even after me, Diana and Ksenija "Libera" have dropped out from the project, it'll still succeed in combining propaganda for Esperanto with environmental and anti-capitalism propaganda.
Sincerely yours,
- Oleg
P.S.: Guys, I've dreamed about IJK in Russia tonight, and you all were there, yay! All my dreams ALWAYS come true, so don't even try to avoid your destiny! :-p I hope to meet you all in Moscow and Kovrov this summer, see you there! ;-)
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