.:Concerning Moogles:.

Sep 25, 2004 15:41

Believe it or not, but I finally found a Moogle.
As I mentioned before, they seem to be quite 'rare' here in Kalm, but when I went out this morning, I met one in a shop... he actually seemd quite pleased that someone talked to him. And here I am, with a letter of said Moogle, and I have no clue where to find the second Moogle to whom I should give it. So, just in case someone meets a Moogle called Mogisa, tell her I have a letter to deliver.

Other tahn that, Rydia invited me to visit the Land of Summons with her someday. I'm really looking forward to it!

A lot of people seem to head to Kalm these days. I even heard of the Invincible coming here... and I have to admitt that I'm worried. The ship helped us a lot towards the end of our quest, but then again, I can't forget Madain Sari's destruction...
Well, maybe I should finally go out and visit Tifa. That way I won't worry to much. At least I hope so.
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