Sep 03, 2010 22:27
[Her voice is quiet, a bit distracted.]
No one's heard of Kefka returning, have they? I know I probably would have heard of or from him by now, but I just want to be sure.
Hm. It's almost been a year. I'm...not sure what to think of that.
[Filtered to Setzer]
I need your opinion on something. Will you be home in a couple of hours?
[Terra's training at the barracks, though there's a distracted air about the young woman. Her aim with spells and sword are as good as ever, but her heart just isn't in it, at the moment. For a little while longer she forces herself to continue, not wanting her visit to be a complete waste, then ends a little earlier than usual.
She lingers for a little while, but unless stopped, exits the place and begins walking home. Being able to do that instead of having to teleport around all the time, as she had to do when Kefka was around, is a luxury she doesn't usually take for granted, but today Terra's more than a bit lost in thought. Her pace isn't that quick, but given how much she's currently paying attention, the possibility of literally bumping into someone is likely.]
wants to help,
out and about,
barracks training,
setzer magnet,
one year anniversary