Terra and Locke- Aftermath

Dec 15, 2009 22:32

Title: Aftermath
Theme + Number: 6. Smile
Claim: Terra and Locke (challenge) (I will finish this challenge, I will finish this challenge...)
Characters/Pairings included: Locke and Terra, mention of Shadow
Rating: K
Warnings: nada
Summary: The aftermath of a rather... odd... battle.

The air left Locke’s lungs in one long whoosh as he hit the ground, the force from the fall sending him sliding through the grass. He rolled to a stop and lay there, panting and wondering if the pain in his back was life-threatening. It took a few minutes before he could figure out that, no, his back was not broken, and yes, grass tasted really nasty, so it was time to pull himself up.

He looked around, fearing that the demon would return, and to see if Terra was okay.

He froze. She was several feet away with her back was to him. She was shaking.

He was on his feet and running before he could finish another breath. Please don’t let her be dying, PLEASE don’t let her be dying…

He tumbled down beside her, prepared for the worst.

“Terra, are you okay?” He was already fumbling for the leather case of phoenix downs he kept in his vest pocket. He took a moment to curse Shadow for running off with the elixirs.

To his surprise, the shaking intensified. Terra flopped over onto her back, and he learned why she was shaking.

She was laughing.

Not just laughing, not just the small smiles and occasional giggles she usually let out. No, she clutched her stomach gasping for breath; tears rolled down her cheeks. Locke had never seen anything like this from her.

“Terra?” How do you react to that?

She opened her eyes, calming slightly, but giggles still rippled through her throat. “Do you realize what just happened?”

“I think we were just thrown about twenty feet from a battle. Are you okay?”

This brought on another wave of laughter. His eyebrows furrowed, this didn’t seem so funny. “Terra?”

She gasped; her words wheezed between giggles, “We just got SNEEZED out of a battle. That thing sneezed, and it took us with it. Seriously. A SNEEZE.”

Locke blinked, and Terra started laughing again.

And then he smiled, shook his head, and plopped down beside her. As long as she was laughing, he might as well be laughing too.

Where did all these posts come from, and how did I miss them?!
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