Status Report

Mar 01, 2014 18:09

So, Uni is going quite well so far. I'm a bit unsure of some things and there are other small problems but all in all, nothing has come crashing down yet. Summer job, on the other hand, is proving once again to be problematic. As in, I can't get one. Which makes living a bit difficult since I really don't want to take a loan. None of this is made better by the fact that I live in a student city which has a high unemployment rate among young adults... so yeah.

On another subject, since getting a tumblr account I have been completely annexed by the Supernatural fandom. So, that's where I am. Happily crying on the floor about all the feels, and such. I actually mostly like Season Fine. Also, practically all my writing motivation has slipped over into drawing.

On another note, the weather is crazy. Practically all the snow melted earlier this week - in February! February! - and now it looks like early April. Yay, global warming.

random, supernatural, ranting, real life

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