Keep Calm and Rant About It

May 03, 2013 13:16

Sheez, I got a scare the other day! Woke up in the morning and livejournal had frozen my account! I hadn't gotten any messages or anything about it and I seriously freaked out for a bit there. I mean, I've been hanging around for... three, four years or something? And this is basicaly my diary! Okay, not my diary but still, I don't want this account to be blocked and lost into the cyberspace!

Luckily it was just some error in their anti-spamming efforts or something. What a relief. For a moment I thought I had violated rules or something, not that I know how I could've done that. I don't think anything in here is against them.

( I just need to get my other account unfrozen, too.)

On another note, I'm really starting to get worried about the university entrance exams. I thought I was doing well in my reading, but now I'm not sure. My friend is prepping herself like crazy and I just feel inadequate. I mean, she starts at 10 in the morning and stops at 12 in the evening, which I know is unhealthy and I could never do, but I'm still starting to doubt I'm studying enough. I really don't want to take a year off, since I'm going to be in university at least for five years and anyway, I'd have no idea what to do with myself. I'd have to get a job and so far I've had one summer job (that lasted for a week), so the thought kind of terrifies me. Not to mention all my plans would have to be remade...

Gah, I hate stress!

...and since I hate it so much, I've started re-watching Inuyasha to get my mind of things. Surprisingly, it's still mostly good. At least the humour parts. Oh dear, I love it when those to go at it... XD Maybe I'll get around to watching the Final Act too, eventually.

what is this?, random, ranting, school, real life

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