Oct 02, 2011 11:22
I just watched the first episode of Merlin's season four and - is that epic or what?
The best thing first: we actually get to see Merlin for a change. After season 3 and the overdose of Gwen/Arthur (+ the violins) that's rather nice. And there's another one of those Arthur-not-quite-getting-what's-with-Merlin -talks, which I love (no idea why).
But - you don't end the episode like that, goddamn it! Even if everyone knows that Merlin isn't really going to die. It's just, the main character does not suffer fake almost-deaths in the first episode of a season. It's like unwritten law or something. Although, I do like it when the unwritten laws get broken, so what am I complaining...? It's not like he'll stay dead or anything. (And that's bullet proof because he was up and standing in the teaser of the next episode. At one point anyway.)
Talking of the teaser - the slash dragon is back! XD We love you Kilgharrah.
Anyway, I thought it was a little surprising that Morgause went and died apparently for real. Sure we knew from the trailers that there was something wrong with her, and that Morgana was doing something about it, but I didn't see her dying quite yet. I don't get how her face ended up like that, though? I mean, didn't Merlin only slam her against a wall or something like that? Well, it was magic so I suppose anything's possible.
Also, Morgana is having some sort of premonitions. Of old!Merlin. (Which I found hilarious. There's just something about him and that white hair... XD Cracks me up every time.) Am I seeing a redeemed- and-dying -scene coming?