How can ten weeks go so fast?

Aug 09, 2011 10:52

It's day after tomorrow! It's day after tomorrow!

And, unfortunately, it isn't the end of the world or even another ice age, but something much, much worse. It's school. And I spent eighty euros for just five books, yesterday. I mean, eighty for five books. Last year I got, what, seven at the same price? I'm totally losing my touch.

For those around here who are interested in Property if there are any, this would mean that no, sorry, the next chapter isn't going to come within next month unless I go absolutely crazy instead of just having the usual school started -depression. Which is unlikely. Very unlikely. Even more unlikely considering I have absolutely no idea what I should do with it. I just want to write the epilogue.

Sigh. Well, in the mean time I try to find SW fics I haven't read in hopes they will cheer me up.

I feel sick. Guh. Could I just, you know, take a vacation from real life? And I'm still on a vacation, since technically, it doesn't end until Thursday. No, I absolutely do not complain. Never. What are you trying to imply?

school, real life

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