And it did! It's offical. I'm obsessed with the Twilight series, as well as Mr. Pattinson. Though, this doesn't come to me as a surprise. For one, I think I was hooked when I sat in a bathtub for about six hours reading Twilight, and for two I've always liked Robert. I guess this just makes everything work out perfectly. I'd like to think so anyway. I'm done with the series now. Thanks to Hayley,
lady_boromir! It was nice of her to lend me all her books, which I kept in tip top condition of course. I should have listened to her though, now I have to wait until August to read the fourth book in the series, Breaking Dawn. Le sigh. Ah well! When I get into something I just can't put it down which is what has seemed to happen. I also can't wait for Midnight Sun, which is Twilight written from Edward Cullen's perspective. Wee! Then the movie in December, ahh, good times. Plastering Robert all over my site is a slow, but sure process. I've been working on a blend at school, and Hayley basically made two for me already. Now I just have to slap some text onto one, and try and be creative. Hopefully it won't be too hard!
Over and out,