Jan 08, 2006 20:42
I'm exhausted! Gooobers! I think I've been on my feet about 36 of the last 48 hours~ Church was fun today! It's hard being caught between the two churches...wanting to keep up with those from my home church (Most of them figure I'm away at college anywho!)...and wanting to connect with those at New Hope! Pastor Scott gave an incredible message....and despite it all...I continue to wonder whether God is asking for my "yes" on returning to Guatemala...or whether I've already given my "yes" for the wrong reasons (for my own excitement and love of losing myself in the latin culture...and reliving some of last summer....hmmmm...yah prayer!)...I really, really want to go back...really, really! It's going to be a miracle if it happens! It's got to be God's will....not my own desire! Not that my desires can't reflect God's promtiing! Anyway....praying hard! It was great to worship in spanish again! It's crazy...something about it I just can't describe...and Pastor gave a great predicacion sobre el ano nuevo...about knowing that they'll be ups and downs...but that despite it all noting can separarnos del amor de Cristo!! So business....and trying to figure out fundraising dinners too....ahhh...and work...always crazy...but i love it....and yet it's hard...i hate it when i lose my cool..and get so frustrated when someone is so far out in lala land...disatached from reality...PATIENCE! gurr! I just ate my first real meal all day....yum yum yum in my tummy! Ok..time to unwind...and i have classes tomorrow again...this break was a whole month..that's got to be some kind of record....sheesh! wonder what yoga will be like!?