
Mar 08, 2006 18:54

I made apple sauce yesterday with my "oldies"!! It was soo much fun! And soooo yummmy...and who would guessed that it was soo easy! Work was so much fun yesterday..and i have no idea why...we were super busy..and things were crazy! Julie and i were laughing almost all night! Her and one of the ladies spooked each other so was histerical! One of the residents came back from the ICU! It was good to see her..and she's got some beautiful staples in her still! Oh sweetie pie! (Sometimes i get so scared am i ever going to be a good nurse...especially when i'm multitasking about twenty different things...and i forget something crucial like a medication...or i'm klutzy..(oh have i been klutzy lately!)...i don't want to have butterfingers! OHHHH! I want to be in the operating room for pity's sake! I'm scared...scared that i'm going to get to Biola for the nursin program...then i'm going to be horrible...and i'll be all confused and lost and have to start building new dreams cuz i'm not cut out to be the nurse i've always dreamed of being....oh day at a time...maybe it's a good thing we can't see past the moment!)

Sooo...I really should be finishing my Seven Brides critique right now...pero no tengo ganas a hacerlo...ahhh...School is wrapping up pretty quick and I think i'm going to make it...just barely...I have so much going on this next week...I'm about to spaz out...cuz I haven't quite been "on top" of things this term...I just need to hang in there....wanta keep my gpa so I can get more money for Biola! I have a scene on monday..and i haven't memorized my lines...and goodness..i have a lot to do! i can't wait until i'm packing and heading off to san luiz!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Today..i just's going to be a stinkin long ride down there (and with 2000 pairs of shoes! QUE CHILERO!)

I saw a beaver today on my walk...I think it was dying...cuz it was limping along all slow like..and didn't scurry away when it saw me...but just looked at me with it's beady lil eyes...and i was like ohhhhhh...then i was's just a beaver...but you know...they are purty cute! I can't believe how cold it was today..yesterday i was outside bronceandome en el sol...pero hoy tengo mucho frio! I took some pics on my walk..i haven't done that in a while...I took some of a few flowers..just starting to peek their lil purty bonnets out! LA primavera VA A VENIR!

STEP IS COMING ALONG NICELY! I'm so excited...I love hearing about all of the plans and how they are piecing together...ohhh can't wait to see what God does with this! Thanks for keeping me informed JAVIER! Yeah!!!!!!!! Unbelievably excited! Vamos a nicaragua y el salvador...y con muchos ministerios diferentes!

Ok yah!
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