Title: Sleeping - what a bother!
Pairing: SuMin (Suhoon x Hyunmin)
Rating: PG-13, fluffy?
Requested by:
mysweetestsuhoon Summary: DGNA is staying to a hotel in North Japan and Suhoon is not happy being placed in the same room with Hyunmin.
Author's Notes: 878 words. Hopefully it's acceptable. I wish there was more SuMin in this world. And fluffy stories. And DGNA in general.
Sleeping - what a bother!
They were once again on a little trip, this time to North Japan. And as usually, they were divided as three and two for their hotel. Injoon, Jihwan and Hyunchul were totally happy with this, but not Suhoon. Yeah, it would have been even worse if he had to be in a room of three, but he still found even sharing room with one person, a little uncomfortable. But it was okay, most of the times. They were still bandmates and all.
But this time, everything seemed so different. It appeared that there was some kind of a problem with their hotel and they had to change place late at night. Of course their manager had found a solution, but…
“We have to share one bed? Are you serious?” Suhoon raised his eyebrows and stared at their manager. “Oh, come on now.” He just shook his head. What was the man thinking?
“It’s not that bad. And it’s only for today. I still have to find myself a place to stay,” the other said with a sigh. “Please, Suhoon? Don’t you think that Hyunmin would feel bad if you said that you hate this idea?”
Suhoon didn’t say anything but turned around and stomped back to his bandmates. “Fine, fine,” he muttered and waved his hand. It was embarassing. But at least he had to try to get away. The thing was that… Hyunming liked to sleep without a shirt.
“Okay, see you tomorrow, hyung!” Hyunchul said as he waved their manager a goodbye. “We should totally sneak out.”
“You have clearly watched too much Dangerous Love,” said Injoon and slapped his hand playfully. “But why not.”
“No. You are not going to sneak out. We have an early schedule tomorrow and I don’t want to see your sleepy faces or panda eyes,” Suhoon declared as he angrily pushed elevator buttons. “You are ruining our fun,” Hyunchul whispered but didn’t dare to say anything else after capturing the look at their leader’s face.
“Finally!” Hyunmin looked truly happy as he laid his eyes on the bed. It was wide enough for both of them and he had absolutely no clue about Suhoon’s opinion on this. “It’s a nice room, actually,” he said after a few minutes of observation. “Feels like home.”
“If this is cozy and domestic to you, your home must be really empty,” Suhoon said and walked to the bathroom. Hyunmin sent him with a confused look and shrugged. Suhoon, after all, was tired as well and that often made him grumpy.
“So, which side to you want to sleep on?” Hyunmin asked after he had taken a shower as well. Suhoon quickly got up from the sofa and blinked a few times. He had already fallen asleep for a moment. “I… uh… doesn’t matter.” He turned his gaze away and sighed.
Hyunmin bit his lip. “I’ll take the right side then. You usually prefer the left one,” he said quietly and made his way to the bed. ‘Thank you,’ Suhoon thought but wasn’t able to say. Why? He had no idea.
After a while, he slowly went to the bed as well, trying not to think how uncomfortable he felt around people. Yes, he was socially awkward and everyone knew it. No, he didn’t think there was a cure for that. Others did, but it only made him feel stranger.
“Good night, Suhoonie.”
“Erm… good night. Hyunmin.” His name came out as a whisper. Even though Suhoon felt that his body was tired; hell, even his mind was tired, sleep was nowhere near. He sweared under his breath and turned to face the ceiling.
“Everything’s okay?” Hyunmin usually had no trouble with sleeping, however, he felt that something was wrong. “Did you take your lenses off? Did you forgot something? Like… eyedrops or…?”
“I… no.” Suhoon gritted his teeth and got up again. “Thanks.” He was able to say it this time. After taking off his lenses and splashing some water to his face, he was ready to try falling asleep again.
“Isn’t it nice, though? That we always get to be in the same room. I imagine that others don’t care so much for a sleep,” Hyunmin lazily said. Suhoon shrugged. “I guess, I wish I was like them, though. ” he replied. It was actually the first time he thought like that. “Everything seems so loud, so bright, so uncomfortable, so… tiring. Yet I can’t sleep,” he finally managed to get out after about a minute.
“Aww, you poor little vampire-baby,” Hyunmin said playfully, patting Suhoon’s shoulder. “Shut up,” Suhoon snarled, even though he didn’t sound angry enough to be believalbe. “These are classical marks of being a vampire, though,” Hyunmin protected himself, laughing a little and placing his hand around the slim body of his bandmate.
Suhoon didn’t react right away. After a few seconds he was able to breathe normally again. “Do not say a word, get it?” he said quietly and snuggled closer to the other. “Whatever you say,” Hyunmin muttered and shifted his hand so it was even more tightly around Suhoon. “Is it better now?”
“Uh… yeah.” Suhoon’s cold nose touched Hyunmin’s neck. “But do you really have to sleep without a shirt?”