Jun 08, 2011 22:25

Gosh I love Kubo because of that comic hahaha

But yeaah one day I was wondering what was Orihime doing just before Ulquiorra woke up... So I drew these 2 pages which I ruined with my awesome fangirl mind! hahah But yeaaah it's just  crack but don't mind it. I wanted to draw this all because I was so damn happy about UNMASKED comic and I wanted to test my real rasters. which looks like this:
http://twitpic.com/4kev2t (oh sorry for those who dosen't see the twitter site.... but I'm just talking about those gray area rasters.....)

Cool don't you think *3* <3333 (lol at least I think those are really cool) I liked to work with those, even I've A LOT of practicen for hahaha... on the first comic page I cut little hole.... right on Orihime's ear lol  but I think I'm lucky that you can't see it so well....

Oh yeah those pages... I'm just mubleing stuffs....

So these pages comes BEETWEEN 8 and 9 just before Ulquiorra wakes ;'D Read those page from here: http://bleachness.livejournal.com/646106.html#cutid1

http://img856.imageshack.us/img856/6169/rasteri2.jpg (It's difficult to draw faces from that angle..... I need to practice that hahaha)

Yeaaah it wasn't that awesome as I thought it wold be look... but... naaah.. maybe next time

oh and if you want see some pics where I'm working these pages (okay that first one) you can see it from my twitpic site:  http://twitpic.com/photos/EspadaDina

ulquihime doujinshi comic pages by kubo

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