Concerts + Meme Question 21

Nov 12, 2010 15:05

I'm a little tired, still behind on NaNo but whatever, at least I'm trying, I couldn't say that last year. Did I ention last night's Rock n' Roll concert being awesome? I didn't really dress up 50's though in retrospect I could've, I had the tools, I just wasn't sure of it. I love 50's rock now! Well, the songs I heard yesterday were leaning more otwards jazz but wazeva. Gotta go download...

(And I really hope I can go to tonight's experiences are healthy.)

21. Do any of your characters have children? How well do you write them?

Yes, Shahin has a son. The Mpreg is explained logically (or I wouldn’t have been able to write it, seriously. I can’t stand when that pops out without a reasonable explanation. There was a time I didn’t care much but now it does bother me.)

Anyway, Aviv. My demonic grandchild, as I love to call him.

Full name: Aviv-Amaël. That name is the brainchild of having no idea what I could possible name him and having four options to pick from. No, he’s not actually my grandson; it’s only in the sense of me being the one who created Shahin. Unfortunately Lilith is his ‘maternal’ grandmother…paternal too, actually >.> No, you don’t want to know…

Well, if Aviv were an actual 2 year old and after that an actual 5 year old, I’d say I suck at writing him because his speech is sometimes too good for that age. Fact is that when he appears to be 2 he’s actually around the 25 and when he looks like five it’s actually 75. Demon are rather complex aren’t they? So yes, his speech isn’t like a toddler’s or a child’s though when he was 25 he sometimes did say “Pwease.” And not “Please.” I decided I’d at least try to make it a little realistic.

Seventy five is as old as I’ve aged him because I can’t picture him older than 5 without feeling those strings in my heart being pulled savagely.

I don’t really like writing children because I have no idea how to. They’d have to be some really quiet children for me to feel safe. But children are mostly just the opposite. If I were to write children I’d have to make a mental effort to keep them into the storyline or else they’d just disappear. I concentrate heavily on my MCs so yeah, the child fades away. I wonder how I’m going to write Darkest Wings then, with Shahin being the baby, then child, then ‘teen’…oh, it’d be the same as with Aviv, only the latter never reaches [demonic] puberty in any storyline >.>

writing meme, 50's rock

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