Fandom: Noblesse
Summary: M-21, Takio and Tao investigate a possible leak about the nobles.
Rating: M
Notes: Contains swearing. And Twilight. Yes, that Twilight by Stephanie Meyer. >D
Set after 156 and before the Lukedonia arc. Spoilers for lots of things before that.
Written for the
prompt of 'Any, Any, X is a Twilight-type vampire.' Bwahahaha!
Aaaaah, why can I only think of single-word titles??
Oh jeez, translating visual humour doesn't work in text! XDD;;
So I'm seeing a pattern here - anything's that short-ish (about two-hundred words or less) is going to be a serious fic that has no action and is someone thinking. Anything longer than that and it's going to complete crack. XDD
Genre: General/Crack/Humour.
Word count: 1,011
Status: Complete
M-21 looked up to see Tao's thoughtful gaze as he walked towards M-21 and Takio. …M-21 could already feel the wariness creep into his stomach. With a sigh, he continued washing the dishes, though making sure they didn't clink against each other so much - Frankenstein would be pissed off if he neglected his chore while listening to Tao.
"What is it?" M-21 asked him carefully, not sure if he wanted to know what Tao was planning.
Tao hummed. "I think someone knows about the nobles."
What? "That's impossible," M-21 blurted out, staring at him. "The Union had very little information about them and most of it was wrong." The only way someone could know would be if…they had had direct contact with a noble.
"You think?" Takio repeated, and when M-21 turned to him, Takio was frowning. "You haven't looked into it further?"
Tao chuckled, scratching his chin. "I did, but accounts about it varies too much - the only thing I can do is check the original source."
Takio didn't look that convinced, an eyebrow raised. "That's never stopped you before. Is it that hard to get a hold of it?"
"No… I've got it on my computer right now but…" Tao looked away, a sheepish grin on his face. "It's a film." There was a small pause. "A romance one."
"You want us to watch it with you so you don't have to watch it alone," Takio supplied, his tone flat.
"Hey," Tao said, shrugging, "I might miss something."
M-21 huffed, lifting a plate out to put it on the drying rack. That was doubtful.
"It's not like either of you are doing anything anyway, right?"
That was, unfortunately, true.
"And it's how long?" Takio muttered while he cleaned some cutlery.
"Two hours."
It could have been worse, M-21 supposed. "Why do you think there's been a leak?" he asked as he started on the next plate.
Tao rubbed the back of his head. "Well, like I said, the contents of the film aren't really talked about -and you can miss a lot if you only have the text and not the visuals alongside it- but one thing's definitely agreed on: there's sparkling vampires in it."
M-21 raised his eyebrows at Tao. "Rai and Frankenstein don't really sparkle." Rai didn't; Frankenstein did whenever he started a new project though.
"They can also walk about in the daytime and have abilities that are different from the usual myths about them." Tao frowned. "But that's why I want to double-check - I could be wrong about this, and most people would take it for fiction, but if a noble was in contact with a human…"
That wasn't something they normally did, not without erasing the human's memories of it afterwards.
"All right. I'll watch it." M-21 eyed the water in front of him. Just as soon as they'd finished the dishes.
* * *
Once all the dishes had been dried and put away (Tao had helped), they sat clustered around the main computer in Tao's room, making sure not to destroy any cables or pull out any plugs.
The film was in English, which they all knew, but it had been a while since they'd heard it; Tao had assured them there were Korean subtitles at the bottom anyway, so mistranslations probably wouldn't happen, unless the subtitles themselves were wrong.
They had also brought popcorn (which Tao had proclaimed was 'traditional' to eat while watching films - M-21 hadn't argued with him because it was the first time he'd ever watched one, and Takio's only response to it was a roll of the eyes) and some drinks, on a tray nearby, to make sure they kept the mess to a minimum.
After making sure they had everything they needed, they settled down to watch.
* * *
When the first person was killed, M-21 frowned. "They were acting more like infected people than nobles," he commented. Which was what everyone thought were normal vampires, and if that was the case, they didn't need to watch the rest of it.
Takio nodded slowly beside him. "Yeah, but we haven't seen everything yet."
* * *
"The..." -M-21 struggled to remember the name, and then gave up- "family are supposed to be nobles, aren't they?" He had gotten that much from the film already.
Tao hummed in agreement.
"But Edward doesn't have red eyes," Takio mused.
"Neither does Frankenstein," Tao pointed out.
M-21 suddenly had a feeling they wouldn't going to be able to discern whether or not the film's vampires was based on nobles. The only way they'd be able to do it would be if they showed it to the actual nobles in the house. He couldn't imagine any one of them sitting down to watch the film.
* * *
Takio tilted his head at the screen. "…Was Edward just in Bella's room?"
M-21 nodded. "Yeah."
Takio snorted, glancing at Tao. "That doesn't seem familiar."
Tao chuckled weakly. "I didn't go into his room-"
"You went to his house, in the middle of the night," Takio interrupted, his voice dry. "And then you took him out for coffee."
M-21 looked between them, confusion growing in him. "Who are you…" He stopped himself, shaking his head. It was probably about a mission they had been on together.
"Ik-han," Takio and Tao said together.
What? He whirled around to stare at Tao, who scooted back a little, a sheepish grin on his face. "I'd wanted to meet him after I'd tried to hack into his uncle's database and he'd blocked me every time," Tao explained quickly. "I hadn't had that much fun in a while." His tone was wistful.
…Right. He wasn't going to ask.
* * *
"This is why we don't show ourselves in the sunlight - people would know we're different."
"He's not sparkling like Rai or Frankenstein."
Tao stopped the film, sighing. "So much for that."
"Tao," Takio said, his eyes narrowed, "the next time you want to investigate a possible leak about nobles, you can do it yourself."
The italicised dialogue is a quote from the first movie.
Tried to make it so it wasn't just a sporking. X3 Tao goes for the movies rather than the books because the movies would be faster to go through and 'should' be a decent enough overview of the books.
Omgggggg, I so want to see M-21's reaction to the werewolves in New Moon! XDD Never gonna happen though.