Fullmetal Ninja [Chapter 10]

Jul 02, 2008 21:07

Fandom: Fullmetal Alchemist/ Naruto crossover
Summary: Ed and Al tried to resurrect their Mother but something went wrong. Not only did they fail, their bodies paying the price, but they are no longer in Amestris. They are in a world where all the natural rules aren't always obeyed...
Rating: T
Notes: Not betaed again because my e-mail eats other people's emails. DD:
I'm trying a new thing here so... italics are for second language, and normal is for first language. Obviously, this is going to get a bit confusing if someone stresses a word.
*stab* Translation problems are doing my head in. D:
In my head, for FMA, to activate an array you need to be able to use your will to make the change, as well as knowing exactly what you want the array to become for it to happen.
Thanks to Lucathia_Rykatu for answering my questions on Japanese again. :)
*groooan* That conversation was so interesting. *snerk* Yeah, I know it's not really a good way to teach peopla a new language, but Iruka's going for common words that'll maybe help them get understood better.
Genre: General
Word count: 2,062
Total word count: 24,090
Status: Work in Progress

Al watched as Iruka shuffled a mildly protesting Konohamaru out the room. Why had he done that? Konohamaru hadn’t been disturbing them. When Iruka was done, he came back over and sat on the bed opposite them.

They were learning the language faster now that they actually had a teacher, even in the hour that he’d been there. It was going a little slower than what Ed wanted (and Iruka'd only gone over the basics, checking what they knew), but Al didn’t mind - it was kinda fun teaching their language to someone and finally doing something other than revising what they knew about Arrays.

Iruka was looking at the papers around them in curiosity. He went closer to them and picked one up, turning it over. He spread his hand over the clean side, indicated all of it and said a word. Paper. Ed and Al repeated the word, trying to get used to it. After correcting their pronunciation, Iruka then waited for one of them to tell him what the word was in their language.

“Paper.” They then spent a little time trying to correct Iruka’s pronunciation. Al wasn’t sure if it was because of the language or it was just Iruka, but he seemed to have a few problems with saying ls or rs.

When they’d finished, Iruka flipped the paper over to show the Array they’d drawn on it. He traced the outside line of it lightly with a finger and then looked at them. Circle? It couldn’t be pen. Array? Drawing? Maybe he was asking for ‘circumference’?

“Array.” Ed then pointed to another one. "Array. Array. Array." Each time, his finger moved. He picked the closest one to him and spread his hand over it. "Array."

"Hmm..." Iruka was staring at the Arrays thoughtfully. Al wondered if they should activate it - Naruto's reaction to Alchemy had been shock (and a lot of yelling) but Hokage's had been curiosity. He shot Ed a look, who was frowning.

"There really isn't another way to explain it to him, apart from showing it to him," he said, looking back at him and shrugging. Ed motioned to Iruka for him to give him the piece of paper, which he did. Ed settled down a little bit and made sure that none of the other papers were touching the one in front of him. He looked up at Iruka carefully. "Array. Alchemy," he stressed. Ed activated the Array. A flash of light later, a small building was in the centre of the Array.

Iruka had tensed when it changed and taken a small hop back, but that was it. He then focused on the building, eyebrows drawn together as he concentrated.

It was just a simple building - it was two stories high with windows on each floor and a flat roof. It was about as tall as half the length of their hand. It resembled the houses back home, Al realised a little painfully. He hadn't realised the first time they'd activated it.

Iruka pointed to the building and said a word. Al perked up at this and then repeated the word. If he was saying what he thought he was, then they weren't limited to only asking about what was physically in front of them. Ed had obviously gotten the same idea, the way he was quickly scanning the papers for the next thing to be named.

"Wait." A soft laugh. They both looked up at Iruka. He gestured to the building. "Paper?"

The brothers nodded. He pointed to it again. "Building?"

"Building." Al thought it over and then added, "Equivalent Exchange."

Ed stopped looking through the Arrays and stared at him incredulously, eyes wide. "How do we explain that to him?"

Al shrugged, a little sheepish. "I think that's what he was asking for." He'd wanted to teach Iruka as much of their language as much as possible and hadn't really thought about how to explain it.

Iruka repeated the words slowly before saying something to himself.

Sighing, Ed rubbed his forehead with a palm and muttered under his breath. He pointed to the building when he'd gotten Iruka's attention again. "One." Then to the paper. "One. No..." He floundered for a second before he brought his hands together and then spread them. "No," he said firmly and shook his head. "No big. No small." Ed waved a hand over the building. "Paper." Tapped around the base. "Paper."

Iruka leaned over the foot of the bed to get a closer look. To make him point clearer, Ed poked near the base of the building. His finger went through it with only a bit of pressure. He then did the same further away on the paper. It folded around his finger without breaking. Ed then looked up at Iruka. "One." He deconstructed the building. "One."

"Hmm." Iruka scratched the back of his neck. He reached over and brushed a finger over a line. It sparked. Iruka's hand snapped back.

Al stared. He knew how to activate an Array? But... looking at his reaction, he didn't know that it would do that. Taking a look at the paper, Al could see part of the building was there but not all of it. Considering Iruka had pulled away as soon as it started, it wasn't surprising. So he knew how to activate an Array, but did he know what each part of an Array meant? Al didn't think so. Iruka hadn't known what an Array was, so he would have known what the Array did because Ed had shown him what the Array would make. Ed was still gaping at Iruka.

As a test, Al picked a random Array and put it in front of Iruka, spreading his hand over the outer line. When he pulled his hand away, Iruka was already warily bringing his hand forward. Light arched along the lines before dying. Al nodded; he was right. But where had he learned to channel his energy and will like that?

Iruka was frowning again and looking at the Array carefully. "Chakra?" he asked them.

They shrugged, not knowing what he was asking.

He gestured his body and then placed a hand over his heart. Al puzzled over this. If he meant just the body, then he wouldn't have indicated his heart as well. Even if they took the two separately, they didn't make sense because they'd been talking about Equivalent Exchange before. It didn't work contextually. Iruka could have been saying what Equivalent Exchange was in his language, but then why did he try to explain it in the way that he had? It didn't have any meaning to what they'd been talking about.

Iruka half-smiled at them and then shook his head. He said something to them but Al knew about two of the words and heard a few of the others in passing. He took a step away from the bed and did something strange with his hands. He got his index and middle fingers of both his hands, pointed them and then wrapped his last two fingers of his right hand around the bottom of the pointing fingers of the left hand.

"Henge." A 'pop' and smoke erupted from somewhere, masking him completely. When the smoke cleared, Al's thoughts froze.

Standing in front of them was an exact copy of Al, in the same clothes and even down the bandaged arm. But how...? This was a completely different level of 'magic' that they'd seen before. There were sometimes travellers who came through Resembool and they'd set up a magic show for everyone to watch. They normally had a set stage and Ed and Al knew that there weren't any mirrors or strings in the room. Or a trap door. And even then, they couldn't have a clone of him - that technology didn't exist!

There was another 'pop' and Iruka was back, staring worriedly at them. He bowed. "I'm very sorry."

"What, um, four?" They hadn't been taught 'for' but it should still make sense.

Iruka looked at him strangely. Or not. "You fear," Iruka tried to explain, rubbing the back of his neck.

"Scared," Al corrected him. "You are scared." There were different ways to interpret that but he took the easiest one.

"Scared," he repeated. He shook his head. "Oi." Don't change the subject, his raised eyebrow said.

Ed was glaring a hole in the bed, arms tightly crossed. "How did he do that? What kind of trick did he use? But he'd done that spontaneously! The small-scale magic, yeah, but not something like that," he ranted to the bed. "Like magic actually exists. Pfft. People used to think lightning was the proof of a god's wrath." He snorted. "That was probably their version of Alchemy," he concluded.

Al turned back to Iruka and motioned him to come closer. "Henge?" He signalled for him to do it again.

"You okay?" for me to do this again? Al's mind completed.


"Henge." Al was standing in front of them again. Did that mean it only worked when the person was in front of them, or did it show the people that the person had met? Al's thoughts took another track: was he actually seeing what he thought he was seeing? Maybe it was a kind of hypnosis? He straightened up so he was standing on his knees and waved a hand slowly over the other Al's head. Empty air. He brought his hand down and started in surprise when his hand came in contact with the other Al's hair. The other Al looked up at him and smiled.

"No scared?" he said. Even his voice was the same!

"Little," Al admitted. It had to be their version of Alchemy because... No, it could still be hypnosis. To them, it could seem like the switch had happened in a second, but a minute had actually passed in real life. It would explain why they hadn't heard any running feet. 'Henge' could be the trigger word. Al suddenly saw the flaw in his thoughts. To hypnotise someone, you normally had to talk to them; he and Ed didn't understand enough of the language to be hypnotised. So that was out. "Iruka?" Al asked the other Al carefully.


He had changed himself physically? And changed his clothes at the same time? As far as he knew, Alchemy could only change one thing at a time. Ed had the same idea because he was checking Iruka's (this was going to get confusing) shirt. If Iruka had made himself smaller, he'd have to be heavier with the condensed mass to compensate, which didn't really matter at the moment, just an idea about what must have happened. Al didn't understand how he could transmute more than one thing simultaneously though.

But if this really was their version of Alchemy, this was amazing! Iruka didn't have to draw Arrays so that would cut down on time; it was like their clapping. Did the way he put his hands change depending on what he wanted to do and would he say something different? Or was it exactly like their clapping and he had to know exactly what he wanted to change? Maybe their Alchemy was limited to their own body? Al's thoughts jumped to the conclusion: Iruka was an Alchemist.

"Ow!" Iruka was rubbing at his scalp; Ed had a few blond strands in his hand and was inspecting them closely.

"Ed!" Al chastised him. "I'm very sorry," he apologised to Iruka.

Ed huffed. "I was just checking to see if they were the same." Al waited. He sighed. "Fine. I'm sorry," he said to Iruka, who waved it off.

Iruka changed back (Al noticed he didn't use any hand movements or trigger words to do it. He only needed to do it one way?) and went to the corner of the room. He brought over the wheelchair. "We walk. Out?" He pointed out the window.

As in, they were letting them leave the grounds completely? Al wondered if he was allowed to do it, since he was close to Naruto, he was causing trouble for the doctors again. He seemed genuine though. But they'd actually be able to see what else was in Konoha and just be able to see things closer up. Not to mention getting out of the room and the confining walls of the hospital. Ed was already in the wheelchair and grinning from ear to ear. There really wasn't a need to ask them, Al thought as he slipped off the bed to follow them out the door.

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fanfic: fullmetal ninja, fandom: fullmetal alchemist, fandom: naruto, crossover

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