Sep 26, 2008 23:38
I wrote this in a letter to my friend Hilary (you'll get it soon!) and I still wonder.
There are many things I want a presidential candidate to say. Such as: “it’s unfair that we demand that other countries cannot have nuclear resources (be they weapon or energy) when the United States has a tight hold on the reins.” Or: “Have you ever thought that we could be considered terrorists? We govern all but our every move by fear, and toss around our weight like we’re always right. How are we better than Al Queda?”
There are many things I want a presidential candidate to say. Unfortunately, few (presidential candidates or not) are willing to come near these concepts as even implications, let alone statements. Subjects like those aforementioned require more than a ten-foot pole. Perhaps they lie somewhere deeper than offshore drilling could ever dream of reaching.
In the debate a few hours ago, McCain suggested a spending freeze on all but National Security matters.
1. What constitutes a “National Security matter”?
2. What about healthcare, education, grants, loans? What do you say? “Sorry, you’re not a terrorist, so we’re not wasting your taxes on you?
presidential race,