
Jan 30, 2017 22:51

Well, although it was a bit of a ridiculous day politically (for Future Cara, today was the day Sally Yates stood up to President Trump on the "Muslim ban" and was fired for it. History remembers her as an American hero, right? If not, GET ON THAT), and a little taxing personally (because busy), I had some great conversations today.

It started before rehearsal when one of my colleagues let me know she really enjoys my Facebook posts. She commented that she agrees with me on the issues I talk about, but she also appreciates how I choose to word things. That meant so much, honestly. I try really hard to make my Facebook feed a a good place to be. When you are so emotionally involved in political happenings, it's hard to remain civil, but Lord knows I try. I really appreciated her saying that, especially because she isn't one who usually comments but ALWAYS "likes."

Then I asked a fellow alto friend if she had any advice for someone hoping to have a baby soon. I've been asking a few people this question lately. She mentioned tracking ovulation with apps, but she advised me against reading "What to Expect When You're Expecting" book because it's TOO much information. Track your ovulation, listen to your ob/gyn, and make a plan but be OK if things don't go as plan. Her daughter arrived 2 months early, so she knows a thing or two about that.

After rehearsal, I asked another fellow alto if she had any advise for a singing parent. She asked what kind of jobs William and I have, and I was reminded how lucky we are to have the benefits available to us that we do. She and her husband had not planned to have a baby, so she advised that we make a list of things we'd like to do before we have one that is planned. She doesn't have regrets, but she felt like if they had been less well-traveled, she might. She also let me know how helpful it was to have her MIL available to help (her own mother passed away). Perhaps most importantly, though, she let me know that the DFW area music scene is very understanding and supportive for new mothers. That eased fears I didn't even know I had, so I'm very glad I asked her.

Maybe I'll leave reading "What to Expect..." to William. I think I'll get paranoid with all that information.
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