Becca Sherple;zluzeijfe(I don't how to say or spell her last name) and I went to the pitch-in dinner tonight at Fairview Pres. We had all these plans for making something awesome, but considering our resources (we're both RA's stuck with disgusting facilities), I went and bought a Sock-it-to-me cake. I hate it when people take storebought items to pitch-ins. The two times I've been okay with it were: a) when Chris decided last minute that since he was going to my church's pitch-in, he should take something, and b) this situation. The conversation was pretty much dominated by a guy who is the chair of the worship committee and does EVERYTHING EVER. He's also one of those slightly self-important "everyone comes to me for advice" and "well, I was there" type people. He's cool, though. The rest were awesome, too, but he made the most definite impression. And, yes, I'm finally becoming part of another church family.
Dr. Kelton received my advising folder today. I hope Dr. Dimmick doesn't hate me.
I traded duty with Andy. I'm taking his shift Friday night (eep! first time on weekend night duty!), and he's taking my shift on the 24th...which I did to clear time for KKY interviews, but they're moving them. That means I can go to the pizza thing at Fairview!
My unit and two others are going with our Faculty Ally to the Indy Greek Fest on Saturday afternoon. I originally thought we were going to go in the evening, but I've been informed otherwise. That means Chris can't go because he'll be at church. :( I'm excited about it, though. I just hope more of my girls sign up!
Red Cup Culture presentation was tonight through PAWS. Apparently my girls love me. And they're really smart about alkeehal.
I replenished my food supply at Marsh today. I got wonderful things like milk, juice, chopped broccoli and cauliflower, water, blueberries, and tea. I also got cookies *ashamed face*. I'm trying really hard to eat better now. Oh, and the granola bars and Pop Tarts I got are low fat. And, no, they didn't jack up the sugar as a trade off. Hopefully they won't be disgusting.
I have faaaar too much tea for my own good. I have the following:
Celestial Seasonings herbal fruit tea sampler
Celestial Seasonings herbal tea sampler
Republic of Tea Earl Greyer ("Earl Grey. Hot.")
Celestial Seasonings Sleepytime
Lipton Pomegranite Cranberry Green Tea
Plus I have chai and cappuccino mixes. And I left Tension Tamer at home. What's wrong with me?! I have a hot drink obsession, it seems. And I'm so glad I gave up putting sugar in my tea. It took some getting used to, but it's so nice to actually taste all the more subtle flavors and the delicate blends. Tonight they had unsweetened sun tea, which was really weird (pht. northerners), but it was nice to actually taste the citrus. I think it was made with Earl Grey. I need a box of my new favorite: Irish Breakfast Tea.
I'm toying with ideas to put on a hometown recital. With any luck, I can put one on at both Fairview and Scottsburg First. Dr. Kelton and I are contemplating finding a bunch of songs with my name in it to make a program. Unfortunately, almost all of those songs are slow. And it just points out that I pronounce my name wrong. I'm sure there's a clever theme in my head somewhere, though.
I love chorale. Why do people hate it? They are obviously dumb. ;)
I've been tossing around ideas for naming my phone. Elrond, Egwene, and Lanfear have all come up. I'm trying to remember back to the
Dark is Rising Sequence and try for one of those character names.
I may take a break from WoT if I can stand it.
I printed out the request for an absentee ballot today and am mailing it tomorrow. I'm gonna vote, damnit!