(no subject)

Jan 09, 2010 22:33

Dear Raleigh News and Observer,

Please stop writing horoscopes that make me feel shitty. What ever happened to things like "today there will be romance in your life" or "today it is best to be generous with your giving", or even "today is a great day to capitalize on your momentum"?

Yesterday's horoscope: "Because you find your thoughts to be so important, you may be unable to see clearly another person's point of view."


Also, does anyone else get a kick out of overly existential comics? I don't mean the ones that are supposed to be edgy, hip, or thought-provoking, but ones with punchlines usually about hitting cats in the face (pun intended). Every once in a while they surprise me.

New favorite beer: Left Hand Milk Stout. And, I'm seeing RJD2 tomorrow in Carrboro!

Also, I should be more proactive about signing up to present articles at the journal club meetings we have, or else I end up being assigned to present crazy articles. I've been reading this article for 3-4 hours and I still haven't gotten to the discussion section. It's not that it's ridiculously long (9k words), but I think this is an example of dubious science hiding behind sophisticated/ overly complicated technology and analyses.

"Any intelligent fool can make things bigger, more complex, and more violent. It takes a touch of genius -- and a lot of courage -- to move in the opposite direction." - Einstein

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