May 11, 2012 16:46
Today was a professional development day at work. Sian Beilock, author of Choke, came to talk with us about her research on performance under pressure. We talked about how the anxiety brought about by expectations can help and hinder one's performance. Additionally that it is a common strategy, to intentionally underperform in an effort to avoid disappointment. Or, "if you don't try, you can't fail". I realized that a frustrating part of who I have become as a person, is that I live by this motto.
In an attempt to work on my fear of trying, I am resolving to try something for the next ten days. My motto: pretend to be what you want to be.
Today I'm making a list of some of the things that I could try:
-Make a sidewalk chalk mural of a picture.
-Invent a song
-Make a dress
-Write a story
-Draw a comic
-Invent a dance
-Play on a junglegym
-Solve a math problem
-Write in Japanese
-Play a video game
-Paint nails
-Clear closets
-Make a card
-Stare at the sky