Record: 59

Oct 26, 2011 16:53

Seems like we’re all returning back to who we used to be-or at the least, meeting up with them again. I might as well throw in my own thoughts on the matter.

I used to hate myself. Absolutely, utterly, with all the bitterness one gives their worst enemy. I judged the past based on the fragments of a life I saw, devoid of context, of reason. The past and the future continuously clashed, and I had no clue of how to comprehend it. In blindness, I began to hate, and turned my back fully upon that one I saw, the one who did horrible things and was nothing but an alien to my view. Viewed over time, it was perhaps the best choice lest I fall to-as Brianna once put it-"the dark side".

But I have met that stranger again, and we have laid down our weapons to instead perhaps form a truce. It was not easy to accept what has happened, and yet I understand her now. I know why she did what she did, understanding on a level greater than empathy. I cannot condone her, but I cannot condemn her.

Yet I am not the naive one who was placed here, nor am I the one from before. A time over two years has carried the weight of twenty, and confidently I can say I have changed. Friendship, love, trust, cliché as it sounds, those were unknown to me before then, on realms other than the superficial. My position in my realm prevented me from feeling those.

I was a grim reaper of the afterlife. One meant to collect, guard, and judge souls before they moved on. And even though there’s no real call for that line of work here...I think I still am one, just with a new duty to do and a new purpose to find.

Edensphere has been my home. I cannot return to my realm for good knowing the price I would have to pay to stay there. So Edensphere shall continue to be what it has been, a sanctuary and a teacher in one, unless there is a way to visit and return.

We’re all thanking everyone, and I add to that-for everyone that has touched my life, you have done more than you ever shall know.

[She writes out the name below slowly before slashing it out.]

Officer Grell Sutcliffe

[Then she writes beneath it.]

Juliet Sutcliffe

there are such things as second chances, everything is a symbol, remembrance, beautiful but dysfunctional, no normal days, feels good to be alive, we're talking about success and failure

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