OOC: Memory 1

Jun 16, 2009 22:02

The blackness broke. It was an elaborate party, one of the Victorian era. Normally there was laughing, chatting, and music.

But he heard none of it. It was as if he was deaf. Yet, he wasn't panicked. He had a mission, he knew that much.

A woman, beautifully outfitted in red, beckoned to him. He saw himself moving, but for some reason he was numb. As he drew close he could smell her perfume, roses and jasmine. She flipped up her fan and turned to him, lips moving quickly. He knew he smiled and nodded. She smiled back, and turned to other people.

He turned and walked into a closed off room, making sure there was no one inside. Then, he saw himself raise his hand...and then suddenly appear outside a shabby house. There was one light on in the window.

He made himself appear inside the house this time, peering thorough a doorway. There was a woman, sitting in a chair, sewing something. Swiftly, he moved behind her, placing a hand on her mouth to stop what must have been a scream. He saw himself pull out a handkerchief and tie it around her mouth in a gag as she turned to face him, eyes full of fear.

Then, he felt three things at once. Resolution, vengance, and anticipation.

Focusing on his resolution, he saw himself mouthing something in the reflection in her eyes. A chainsaw materialized in his right hand. He saw himself starting it, feeling nothing but happiness that this was beginning.

And he watched as he let the blade slice into her, again and again, her blood flowing outward like crimson ribbons, staining her clothes, the floor, his gloves. He could smell the blood, to him as good as the scent of a rare flower. Now she was paying for her ungratefulness, and now she would be beautiful, dyed the most precious color in the world.


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