Record: 34

Sep 09, 2009 13:29

I bid all the fellow companions in this Sphere good morrow!

I have oft wondered at the entries of late, questioning the vibrant Tree's thoughts that resulted in this course of action, when I suddenly put my hand to the simplistic paper bound in this small, elegant volume and behold! I as well felt a deep, inner, compulsive desire to write out all my thoughts in this language that seems overfond of adding in words where there is no meaning that would shift the cosmos. In spite of all, I do find a certain agreeable quality in these words so reminiscent of novels past and the forgotten romance that lies within.

It is coming near the time when the leaves will change their hue from the green of life to the various ones of flames and attraction. I believe I should seek out some form of keeping myself warm against the various elements that will undoubtedly batter the landscape and my own small form in the process. I have a semblance of a thought as to what I am searching this bustling place for, and if my endeavours prove to be lacking in substance, I shall have no recourse but to simply devote my efforts into bringing it into existence.

(ooc: Translation: Hello, everyone! I wondered why everyone was writing so weird. I figured it was the Tree, and when I tried to write I had to write like this. Even though it's a bit much, I actually like it...kinda romantic. Fall's coming, so I think I'll look for a coat. I got a particular one in mind though, and if I can't find it, I'll have to get it made.)

well at least one person's enjoying this, the amazing actress, event: purple prose, shakespeare's in my blood

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