Refugio Beach, Santa Barbara
Hot wind blew in the evenings. Dolphins popped up and looked us in the eyes. Billy and me slept together outside so we could fall asleep watching the stars. We kayaked, we snorkeled, we walked, I crew, I took pictures, we ate meat over oakwood every single night, we had beers and fritos and vodka infused fruit cocktais.
I got stung by a bee in my fingertip and it swelled up and was hard to wrap around the paddle kayaking, the dogs got off and ran away and then found again, Molly broke off her leash to get a dog who looked like a coyote, and bit Tommy, and broke out of the tent at 3 a.m. to chase a skunk who sprayed her and out tent and we poured Trudy's bloody mary mix over her and almost died of painful nausea and gagging, we had to throw away our pillows and luggage bags because it went through the tent. We spent half a day in town doing laundry and buying a choke chain. Molly was a crazy post traumatic stressed out depressed dog camping :/ I was horrible, burned throat and nasal like onions and rotten garlic and hair permanent mixed together and I got sick to my stomach, it didn't smell like skunk at all, just horrible.
for the other hundred pictures go here! *