The Collapse of Society Affair, Act II

Feb 02, 2009 21:29

Sorry if my journal suddenly turns into a string of ranting left-wing diatribes, but I had to share this as a post-script to yesterday's update about the two kids adopted by a gay couple instead of their grandparents. On the Daily Mail website (and I don't know why I was stupid enough to go back to it), Richard Littlejohn writes;

"Coincidentally, this story emerged in the week in which details were revealed of the millions spent in the search for little Maddie McCann, who was abducted almost two years ago and is still missing.

On the face of it, the cases have nothing in common.

But stolen children are at the heart of both.

Does it matter whether your child or grandchild has been taken by a complete stranger or by social workers?
What’s worse: not knowing, or knowing - and being utterly unable to do anything to get them back, after being told that if you try, you will never, ever see them again?"

Well.... I've thought about this for about 4 seconds now and have come to the conclusion that the worse one is the first one, the complete stranger one. Because the social workers have given the children to a couple who want kids enough to apply for an adoption and have passed all of the stringent requirements to become adoptive parents. Whereas the complete stranger probably just wants to fuck the child and kill it. On the whole, yeah, I'm pretty sure the first one is the worst one.

Richard Littlejohn : cunt.

"The social worker involved in this adoption case should have worked with Dr Mengele in separating the men, women and children on arrival at Auschwitz!"
Because obviously the gay couple is intending to conduct horrible genetic experiments on the children; though they hopefully didn't mention this on the adoption application form.

"The most disadvantaged person in the UK right now is a white heterosexual working class male"
This guy has almost exactly quoted what I wrote yesterday, when I implied that anyone who said this sort of thing was a prick. I am quite pleased with how spot on I was ;o)

"There needs to be a major overhaul of Social Services, not known as the SS for short for nothing! "
Another comparison with the Nazis there. Is there another "Nazi Party" I know nothing about?? The one I've heard of tried to exterminate gays in death camps, but apparently there is a different one that gave them children to look after? (Incidentally, which British newspaper supported Nazism in the early early to mid 30s? I'll give you a clue; it's staffed by cunts and rhymes with "Hayley Nail".)

"Unmarried mothers mostly live off the backs of taxpayers and their children are more likely to end up jailbirds, psychiatric patients, drug or alcohol addicts or welfare scroungers also!"
One for damnedhalo there, you scrounging parasite ;o)

"I always look forward to your columns as it is hard to find anyone with intelligence and fair-mindedness in the media these days!"
No, what you've done there is confused "fair-mindedness", which means to have a considered viewpoint that tries to encompass everyone as much as is possible with "agreeing with your own beliefs", haven't you?

"I am not allowed to say much of this nowadays but while there used to be a lot of bigotry around attitudes to homosexuals the basis of distinctions being made was the accumulated wisdom of the ages. Often crude, and rarely sophisticated but the result of observation that on the whole such people were not always all that nice. One of the traits that was recognised, and which is still often seen is extreme selfishness. So the answer to your question "what sort of selfish couple etc? "is self evident."
I like this guy's way of thinking, to be honest. I think all legal decisions should be made based on crude and rarely sophisticated stereotypes. So don't give jobs to those drunken Scotch people or those thick Irishman. And for fuck's sake don't sail to America, you'll fall off the edge of the Earth!!

"[Here] in Singapore, being openly homosexual carries up to a ten year jail sentence. So there is no possibility of the issue arising of this group squealing for the right to adopt children here. Luckily Singapore upheld the family unit when trendier Western countries like Britain tried out experimental lifestyles from the 1960s on."
This is so fucking stupid I can't even be bothered to comment on it.

"Visited the dentist yesterday and was given pair of plastic goggles to wear. Health and Safety said the dentist. I asked who had sufered an eye injury at the dentist during recent years. No idea he said, but "easier to comply than using valuable time and energy to resist". Has the manufacture of goggles and ear muffs been nationalised."
This woman has clearly gone mad. At least the guy who felt homosexuality was a fad invented in the 1960s was relevent and to the point, not babbling on about goggles and dentists.

"What has happened to "Great" Britain that the state takes children from their families (the grandparents are those children's family) - and in secret, even ? Here is a solution ... print the names of the social workers ! If your newspapers won't do it, make signs and hang them everywhere! Surely the grandparents know the names of these POS social workers. Find out where they live and make sure that, at the very least, these particular social workers can't do this to anyone else. PS - Now do you folks understand why the US is so protective of our 2nd Ammendment Right to keep and bear arms? That Ammendment is in our Constitution for precisely this reason! Note to British citizens: TAKE BACK YOUR COUNTRY BEFORE IT'S TOO LATE !!! "
Is this... is it?? It is!! An incitement to murder the social workers involved. That's from Bill Pickle of Orlando, Florida, who believes the US "right to bear arms" is a de facto right to murder government officials who you disagree with. God bless America!!

"Welcome to NuLabours utopia. People are getting out faster than what they are getting in."
Dear God, I wish that was true. If everyone who hated PC Britain with its Diversity Nazis fucked off to some deserted island somewhere where they can live in their perfect society of xenophobia and saying "you couldn't make it up" a lot, I'd be much happier!

"You are, Richard Littlejohn, living proof that the pen is mightier than the sword."
Ummm... not really. Littlejohn has used his pen to vent his spleen a bit, then gone back to counting his pennies. If he'd have had a sword, he could have gone round the social workers' house with Bill Pickle and lopped there heads off like so many howling coconuts.

"Putting decisions to common vote requres an educated populace, not one that regularly swallows opinions whole without questioning the validity of their arguments or any evidence provided (or not) in support of them. For those commentators, and Littlejohn himself, to regularly compare Britain to a Stalinist or Nazi state shows how little you know about the Nazi state or the Stalinist era. Instead you turn your faces blue repeating everything that you have read regardless of the validity of the information put forward. The mob rarely puts forward a good argument, and regardless of what most of you beleive, you are not a majority and as the Mail demonstrates, you're hardly silent either."
This guy, one of about 5 not talking bollocks, gets a hefty 104 thumbs down from Daily Mail site readers. The truth hurts.

"Now we wicked social workers (yes, I am one, although bizarrely I am not a Marxist - actually it is not in the person spec that one has to be) always look to the natural family first to see if there is anyone suitable to care for that child on a permanent basis. This is what the law demands of us, and we know from reseach that such family placements can indeed be in the best interests of the child. This couple have been considered unsuitable for reasons that we do not know - with respect the Daily Mail only has one side of this story - but they would have undergone a proper assessment."
A lot of thumbs down for this one as well, and quite right too; stop trying to confuse us with facts, you Marxist Nazi Lefty bitch!! Facts get in the way of a good riot, we just want to have a go at the bummers in peace!!

Ugh!! Rant over I guess!! I do apologise for it, it just makes me so incredibly angry. I honestly think that if you hate Britain as it is then get the fuck out of it. It's not going to turn back into a cosy world where black people are slaves, gays are in prison and the top two sports are polo and raping the chamber maid. So just fuck off out of it.
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