I really need to stop letting these links pile up. @_@
Digital Media Law: WGA Strike: How to Restart the Talks, and Why -- a pretty balanced analysis that neither villainizes the AMPTP nor puts the WGA on a pedestal of virtue. A nice change of pace and a different perspective.
Status of the Individual Corporations as of 12/18
Loads of interesting stuff My favorite?
Why is the AMPTP negotiating with the WGA? Competitors are not allowed to negotiate together, to even confer together. It's called collusion. When baseball owners merely created an "information bank" for offers being made to free agent players, they were fined $280 million. Two competitors cannot talk with one another if there's just a hint of agreement. Imagine ALL competitors in an industry getting together to set ALL wages and ALL labor conditions.
It doesn't happen. Anywhere. Not "anywhere in the U.S." Anywhere in the free world.
Except Hollywood.
Send a Letter to a Mogul via the Internet The WGA
The Guilds are united Writers and advertisers are talking MoveOn.Org petition to bring back the Daily Show Honoring Barbara Diamond and the Sacrifices of Strikes Past The Reality of Reality and Animation Weighing in on Animation and Reality Old News
What the companies were up to as of 12/17
AMPTP Deja Vu AMPTP Hissy Fits and Other Tactics Fed Ex Worker on Strike MTVN Freelancers Win One for the Little Guy! -- a great story! =D
This scares me AMPTP Tactics Don't Fool Anybody