Oh, Dom. GUH. I am SUCH a sucker for hands, and god, look at him. Those FINGERS. *stares*
patsie also posted some lovely
outtakes from Dom's Esquire shoot. They are pretty, despite the fact that he's wearing pink socks, but in comparison to the pictures above, I just can't get that excited about them. *zones out on hand porn*
I have a new fan to corrupt! Hooray! I picked up a copy of Boondock Saints, the twinslashiest movie ever in the history of the world, for
evillittletwit, so she too can revel in the power and beauty of Connor and Murphy being gorgeously and unutterably in love. And now she would like a lot of Connor/Murphy slash to read. I know some of you are completely obsessed with the film (and rightly so!) - do you have any recs to share? I never found anything that really blew me away, but I never seriously looked after Dom/Billy ate my brain, so I'm hoping there's been a whole treasure trove since then that I've missed.
It's SO fucking hot. Hot is, in fact, not a strong enough word for what it is. I need a word with a lot more letters than that, something that sounds really harsh and ugly and miserable. When I can make myself move, I'm going to go to the Death Jewel to buy another oscillating fan and lots of frozen fruit for smoothies, 'cause the idea of eating anything not frozen is entirely horrific.
I don't understand how I'm supposed to get anything done this weekend. I can barely move, much less be productive. I don't think I'm going to survive this summer.